Reductionism is the idea that complex behaviours can be reduced to/ fully explained by looking at components at a lower level that make up that particular behaviour- simplifying behaviour without loosing the quality of the explanation behind it
Holism is the idea that complex behaviours cannot be understood simply by studying their component parts, but rather need to be studied as whole systems.
Biological reduction: all behaviours can be reduce to, and explained by, the biology of the organism at that given moment
Evolutionary reduction: behaviours can be explained solely by its adaptive value alone (through genes being expressed through the phenotype- very mechanical outlook)
Behavioural reduction: idea that if a good outcome comes from an action we are more likely to repeat the action- previous experiences dictate the present
Cognitive reduction: behaviour can be fully reduced to our cognitions as an informational processing model
Environment reduction: all behaviour can be explained by the environmental circumstances impacting on someone at that moment