sensory memory's duration is milliseconds and the capcity is unlimited.
short term memory's duration is 18 seconds max (Peterson & Peterson, Brown Peterson technique) and capcity is 7+-2 (miller's magic no.7)
Long term memory's duration is up the lifetime (Bharick et al) and the capcity is unlimited
span measure test
technique used for measure digit span
a digit is added for the participants to learn every time they got the previous set of digits correct. When the participants no longer able to recall, the last set of digits determines the digit span.
ability to recall personal life event. THey are time stamped therfore we can recall when did it happen (composed of several elements)
semantic memory
contain our knowledge of the world and is linked to encyclopedia & dictionary. The memory isn't timestamped
procedural memory
our knowledge on how to carry out an action/memory for learned action or skill. It's hard to explain and when we try to describe, it will become more difficult
5 component of working memory model
long term memory
central execution
slave systems ↓
episodic buffer
phonological loop
visuospatial loop
central execution
coordinate activities and allocate the slave ststems. It monitors incoming data from sense and LTM while processing them. The component can process info of any modality but it has limited processing capacity
phonological loop
slave system that processes acoustic information and the order it arrives in.
the phonological store: store wordsthat ce be heard
the articulatory process: words that are heard/ seen and maintain rehearsal
visu-spatial loop
slave system that processes visual and spatial information in a mental space.
visual cache: stores visual data
inner scribe: record the arrangement of object in visual field
episodic buffer
added by baddeley in 2000
slave system that condense material from other slave system into a single episodic memory. it is also a temporary store integrating visual, acoustic & spatial information and maintain a time sequence.
types of interference and their definition
proactive interference: when old memories interferes with new memories in LTM
retroactive interference: when new memories interferes with old memories in LTM
eyewitness testimony's meaning and what affects it
the ability of the person who saw the crime recall the details of the event they have observed
misleading information (leading question + post-event discussion)
encoding capacity principle
in order for a cue to be helpful, it has to be present at encoding and retrieval. If its not present during retrieval, there will be some forgetting.
types of cue-dependent forgetting and their meaning
cue dependent forgetting: fail to retrieve the prompt that triggers recall
state dependent forgetting: internal settong of coding and recalling are different causing retrieval failure
context dependent forgetting: external setting of coding and recalling are different causing retrieval failure
lack of retrieval cues: cues that were in the coding setting are absent during recall
Yerkes-dodson law
the law suggests that our performance improves when our arousal level is at its optimal point. However once exceeded, our performance gets worse
cognitive interview meaning and stages
an interview designed to retreive more accurate memory and to prevent witness from actively reconstructing their memory
context reinstatement
report everything
prevent schema from actively reconstructiong the memory↓
reverse order
change perspective
enhanced cognitive interview
the version attempts to build a relationship between interviewer and witness as trust improves quality of communication
interviewer doesn't distract witness unless its necessary
witness controls the flow of information
interviewer asks open-eneded question
witness should speak slowly
witness is encourage to say "idk" when necessary to avoud confabulation
witness' anxiety is reduced whenever possible
modified cognitive interview
the "change perspective" and "reverse order" is taken out to get more accurate informations from child witnesses
meta analysis
when a researcher collects lots of individual studies to give an overview of all their findings