Psychology (memory)

    Cards (103)

    • Who proposed the multi-store model of memory?
      Atkinson and Shiffrin
    • What are the three stores in the multi-store model of memory?
      Sensory register, short-term memory (STM), and long-term memory (LTM)
    • How does information pass through the multi-store model?
      In a linear way from one store to another
    • What is the duration of sensory memory?
      ¼ to ½ second
    • What is the capacity of short-term memory?
      7 +/- 2 items
    • What is maintenance rehearsal?
      Repetition that keeps information in short-term memory
    • What happens to information if maintenance rehearsal does not occur?
      It is forgotten and lost from short-term memory
    • What are the three main ways information can be encoded?
      Visual, acoustic, and semantic
    • What is the duration of long-term memory?
    • What is the encoding method primarily used in long-term memory?
      Mainly semantic
    • What is a criticism of the multi-store model of memory regarding rehearsal?
      It fails to account for how different types of material can result in different depth memory traces
    • How does interest in material affect memory recall according to the criticism of the multi-store model?
      Material that is more meaningful or interesting may create a deeper memory trace
    • What does the case study of patient H.M. illustrate about memory?
      It shows that short-term memory can remain intact while long-term memory is impaired
    • What did Baddeley and Hitch propose about short-term memory?
      It is more than just one simple unitary store
    • What is the serial position effect?
      The tendency to remember the first and last items in a list better than the middle items
    • What did Glanzer and Cunitz's study support regarding memory stores?
      It supports the existence of separate long-term and short-term memory stores
    • What is procedural memory responsible for?
      Knowing how to do things, such as motor skills
    • What is semantic memory responsible for?
      Storing information about the meaning of words and general knowledge
    • What is episodic memory responsible for?
      Storing information about events that we have experienced
    • What distinguishes declarative knowledge from procedural knowledge?
      Declarative knowledge involves "knowing that," while procedural knowledge involves "knowing how"
    • What evidence do amnesic patients provide regarding memory types?
      They have difficulty retaining episodic and semantic information but can recall procedural skills
    • What does the working memory model propose?
      It suggests a system involving active processing and short-term storage of information
    • What is the role of the central executive in the working memory model?
      It has a supervisory function and filters information
    • What are the components of the phonological loop?
      The phonological store and the articulatory process
    • What is the function of the visuospatial sketchpad?
      It holds visual and spatial information
    • What is the episodic buffer's role in the working memory model?
      It acts as a temporary store that communicates with long-term memory
    • How does Bryan's experience differ from Bob's in terms of working memory while driving?
      Bryan can divide his attention between tasks, while Bob cannot due to inexperience
    • What do dual-task studies support regarding working memory?
      It is easier to perform two tasks simultaneously if they use different processing systems
    • What is the significance of the working memory model in psychology?
      It provides a more complex understanding of short-term memory than previous models
    • Why can Bryan drive while performing other tasks like talking or listening to music?
      Because driving has become an automated task for him, requiring fewer attentional demands.
    • How does Bob's inexperience at driving affect his attention?
      Bob's central executive requires all of his attentional capacity for driving, preventing him from dividing resources effectively.
    • What do dual-task studies support in relation to working memory?
      They support the idea that it is easier to perform two tasks simultaneously if they use different processing systems.
    • Why do participants find it hard to perform two visual tasks simultaneously?
      Because both tasks compete for the same limited resources of the visuospatial sketchpad.
    • What does the KF case study demonstrate about working memory components?
      It shows that there are separate short-term memory components for visual information and verbal information.
    • What is a limitation of using evidence from brain-damaged patients to support the working memory model?
      Such evidence may not be reliable because it concerns unique cases with traumatic experiences.
    • What is a limitation of the central executive in the working memory model?
      Little is known about how the central executive works, making its exact role unclear.
    • What does the working memory model fail to explain regarding long-term memory?
      It does not explain the link between working memory and long-term memory.
    • What are the two types of interference in forgetting?
      • Proactive interference: Old learning prevents recall of new information.
      • Retroactive interference: New learning prevents recall of old information.
    • What did Chandler (1989) find regarding students studying similar subjects?
      Students studying similar subjects often experience interference.
    • What type of memory is more resistant to interference?
      Semantic memory is more resistant to interference than other types of memory.
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