
    Cards (12)

    • Hypodermic needle theory?

      media texts have an immediate effect on the behaviour of the audience infected with messages and values
    • John Berger's theory?

      men act women appear - men are represented as active, whereas women are primarily concerned with self- presentation
    • Todorov's theory?

      narrative, equilibrium, disruption, restoration - equilibrium is a sense of calm and then this gets disrupted and makes the story change direction (usually in the middle). Then restoration occurs and a new equilibrium is made, disruption is dealt with
    • Laura Mulvey
      Male gaze theory - women are presented in a way that men would like , slim pretty and affectionate
    • Propp's theory?

      Stock characters - main characters a text may contain
      • villain
      • donor
      • helper
      • princess and father
      • dispatcher
      • hero
      • false hero
    • Levi-Strauss theory
      Binary opposites -
      • good vs evil
      • male vs female
      • east vs west
      • dark vs night
      • dirt vs cleanliness
    • Barthes theory -

      Enigma code - creates a sense of mystery and wonder to the audience that they want to find out
    • Hall's theory
      Reception theory - people will read a text for different reasons
      • dominant reading - agree with what they are reading
      • negotiated reading - partly agree, sometimes modifies it to their own position
      • oppositional reading - disagree with what they are reading
    • What is uses and gratifications theory?

      What audiences can get out of consuming a media text (PIES)
      • Personal Identity
      • Information
      • Escapism/entertainment
      • Social Interaction
    • Make sure to apply theories in answers to gain those higher bands
    • roland barthes referential code 

      you can link meanings to context of texts at the time
    • Dyer star theory
      Person is a brand and objectifies them and makes the, buy the product