Coherence of God

Cards (8)

  • Four Divine attributes of God
    Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnibenevolence, and Eternal/Everlasting
  • Omniscience
    All-Knowing, God has perfect knowledge and knows everything that is logically possible for him to know
  • Omnipotence
    All-Powerful, God is Perfectly powerful and cannot contradict. He can do all that is logically possible for him to do
    for example he cannot make a triangle with four sides
  • Omnibenevolence
    God is perfectly good and never does anything evil, he only does what is morally good
  • Eternal - Traditional

    God exists outside of time
    • this view has support from the bible in Genesis, if God created the universe he must have existed outside of it to create it
    • God is immutable and unchangeable, so he must be atemporal as a temporal being would be changable
    • God sees all of time simultaneously
  • Everlasting
    God exists within time.
    • he was there at the beginning of time and will continue to exist forever
    • God interacting with the world is an essential tenet of Christianity, therefore God must be temporal
  • Eternity as an incoherent concept

    • if god exists timelessly, he would know all events at once without experiencing them in a sequence
    • God could see the burning of Rome and a modern event simultaneously
    • this is absurd because the past, present and future cannot be simultaneous with one another
    • this shows how the classical conception of eternity is incoherent
  • Atemporal vs Temporal beings regarding simultaneity
    What is simultaneous for God, an atemporal being, is different from what is simultaneous for human beings, temporal beings
    • T-Simultaneity: applies to temporal beings, like humans that can perceive two things happening simultaneously in the present moment only
    • E-simultaneity: applies to atemporal beings like God, which can perceive things happening simultaneously at all times