Uses empirical means to show that creation has a purpose and as such has been intelligently designed
A posteriori, after experience
Design arguments
Design of the universe infers a god like designer
Aquinas’argument from analogy
Things that lack intelligence have an end, a purpose
things that lack intelligence can’t move towards their goal unless they are directed by someone with knowledge and intelligence
an arrow does not direct itself but needs an archer to guide it
therefore (by analogy) there must be an intelligent being that directs organisms to their purposes
Possible objection to Aquinasargument from analogy
Premise 2 assumes that everything needs to be directed by an intelligent being
we can observe things such as acorns, embryos that develop without any interference from an intelligent being
Humedesign argument
formulated his own argument as a way of exploring with his own ideas regarding God
3 character in dialogue
Philo - a skeptic
Demea - a believer in god
Cleathes - a middle ground, empiricist
HumesDesign argument - Syllogism
The world is comprised of machines adjusted to work towards an end
Like causes resemble effects, machine requires human intelligence
In the same way, intricacies of world and universe require divine intelligence
Hume continued (re design argument)
Hume infers an ultimate creator from material substance when regarding the grand scale of the universe, needing a creator with larger faculties proportioned to the work executed
Objections to Humes Design argument
Philo argues the universe is more like a vegetable than a machine
grows in accordance with natural processes
Hume is rejecting all design arguments from analogy on the basis machines and the universe aren’t comparable
Paleys Design argument
complexity and intricacy of a watch attests to it being intelligently designed
Similarly the human eye is complex and must require an intelligent designer, completely fit for its purpose and intricate
Paleys design argument - syllogism
A watch has complex features that work together for a specific purpose
anything with these features of spatial order and purpose must be designed
from (1) and (2) the watch has been designed by a designer
The universe has features of spatial order ad purpose except on a far wondrous scale
Therefore the universe has a Designer of a wondrous scale
Therefore that designer is god
Therefore God exists
Paleys attack on Humes epicurianhypothesis
EPICURIAN HYPOTHESIS: universe came about randomly, grows like a vegetable in accordance with natural processes
Paley refutes this - the watch and eye are fit perfectly for its end
Hume is proposing a law of metallic nature
those who claim metal will somehow on its own naturally come together to form a wath
Paley response to infinite regress
Paley anticipates an infinite regress argument
ie the watch isn’t just a watch but also a watch making machine
No need for a designer
Paley - Who created the first watch making machine? Absurdity of infinite regress
Objections to Paley
The reason we know watches are intelligently designed isnt because they are complex but is because we have seen people make watches
We havent seen any human being make a human eye before, and we haven’t seen anyone make a universe before so the same conclusion cannot be drawn
Swinburnes argument from temporal regularity
Regularities in time are enough to infer the existence of an intelligent designer
regularities of succession are best explained by intelligent design
TIME is a regularity of succession
Temporal order: The order of laws in nature
Spatial order: order in nature
evolution can explain spatial order (ie the eye) but not temporal order (ie time)
We can’t give a scientific reason for WHY the laws of nature are the way they are
Best explanation of temporal order is a personal one
ie ‘that building exists because someone designed and built it‘
Can explain laws of nature in a similar way - best explanation is God
Objection: spatial disorder
many flaws in creation
ie misery of animals (including humans) that are struggling to survive
perhaps god is senile or a child - undermines his Omani-conceptual nature, would make him not perfect
Objection: Universe is a unique case
Rarely take anything for granted based off of one experience because we
Because of cause and effect
We only have one universe to compare to
We have nothing to show that a designing proves in action
We don’t even have experience as the universe as a whole
We can’t infer the existence of god from such little data
Hume on causation
we never experience causation only the ‘constant conjunction’ of one event following another
we infer that A causes B
ie the sun rises and sets everyday
But you don’t experience A causing B but it is still reasonable to argue it will happen
but if you took a sip of a drink and your friend sneezed at the same time, wouldn’t be plausible to say A caused B
can’t infer causation from a single experience
can’t infer god exists from one universe
Objection: suitability of god as the only/best explanation
machines are the result of much trial and error
theists argue that the universe is perfect and so similar to machines
however our machines are imperfect which makes them disanalogous
machines are often the result of multiple designers
doesn’t align with monotheists conception of God
may have been designed from a committee
Objection: Epicurean Hypothesis
Time is infinite
Matter is finite
Matter will eventually organise in a way that appears designed
Monkey typewriter example
Universe came about due to random processes - more empirically verifiable - big bang, singularity
Kant on design arguments
they draw too strong a conclusion
creators don’t create the materials they use to create
Kant argues that design arguments only infer the existence of a being who has laid out plans for a universe (architect) not the being that created the materials
Objection: ‘Lofty purpose’ Kant
purpose of design arguments is to prove
there is a being that created the universe
that being contains perfections
Paley requires us to ascribe godly traits to a watch maker
can’t conclude that Kant’s architect has godly attributes
can’t use evidence in the world to conclude god is perfect and exists
can’t move from evidence in the world (that the world has uncanny regularity) to the conclusion God is perfect
Objection: Evolution
Evolution by natural selection explains how complex organisms emerge without a designer
Giraffe long neck example
given enough time nature adapts in a way that appears designs