Cards (8)

  • Assumption 1: All behaviour is learnt:
    • Learn new behaviour through classical / operant conditioning (learning theory)
    • When born- mind is “tabula rasa” (a blank state)
  • Assumption 2: Behaviour should be scientifically studied:
    • Use of operational definitions
    • Studying behaviour that can be OBSERVED & MEASURED
    • Not concerned with mental processes 
    • Use of labs
  • Assumption 3: Use of animal studies:
    • Behaviour of animals is similar to that of humans
    • No fundamental qualitative distinction between human and animal behaviour
    • Rats, cats, dogs and pigeons- primary source of data
  • Assumption 4: Behaviour- stimulus -> response
    • All behaviour (no matter how complex) can be reduced to a simple stimulus -> response association
  • What is Classical Conditioning?
    • Developed by Pavlov
    • Classical conditioning is learning through association
  • Pavlov’s research: Conditioning dogs to salivate when a bell rings:
    Before conditioning:
    UCS (unconditioned stimulus) = Food
    UCR (unconditioned response) = Salivation
    NS (neutral stimulus) = Bell

    UCS -> UCR
    NS -> No response
  • During conditioning:
    Bell & Food occur at the same time
    NS + UCS
  • After conditioning:
    CS (conditioned stimulus) = Bell
    CR (conditioned response) = Salivation
    CS -> CR