Homeostatic Imbalances

Cards (26)

  • Cleft Palate - a failure of the bones forming the palate to fuse medially, resulting in breathing difficulty as well as problems with oral cavity functions
  • Rhinitis - caused by cold viruses and various allergens, is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • Sinusitis - an inflammation to the sinus, difficult to treat and can cause marked changes in voice quality
  • Tonsillitis - when the tonsil becomes inflamed and swollen, it obstructs the nasopharynx
  • What tonsils in the nasopharynx became inflamed during a tonsillitis?
    Pharyngeal Tonsil
  • Tracheostomy - surgically opening the trachea, done to provide an alternative route for air to reach lungs
  • Pleurisy - an inflammation of the pleurae, can be caused by insufficient secretion of pleural fluid
  • Atelectasis - a lung collapse, the lung is useless for ventilation; this phenomenon occurs when airs enter the pleural space through a chest wound
  • Pneumothorax - air in the intrapleural space, pushes in on the lung, disrupting the fluid bond between the pleurae
  • What are abnormal bronchial sounds?
    Crackle, Wheezing, Rales
  • Hypoxia - is an impaired oxygen transport; inadequate oxygen delivery to body tissues
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - represent a unique type of hypoxia; is the leading cause of death from fire
  • Carbon Monoxide - an odorless, colorless gas that competes vigorously with oxygen
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - the collective term of the group of respiratory diseases
  • What does COPD means?
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Chronic Bronchitis - the mucosa of the lower respiratory passages becomes severely inflamed and produces excessive mucus
  • Pneumonia - are lung inflections
  • Emphysema - the walls of some alveoli are destroyed, causing the remaining alveoli to be enlarged
  • Chronic Bronchitis sometimes called "blue bloaters"
  • Emphysema sometimes referred to as "pink puffers"
  • Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome (IRDS) is a condition that causes babies to have difficulty breathing.
  • Cystic Fibrosis - the most lethal genetic disease, causes oversecretion of a thick mucus that clogs the respiratory passages
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - apparently healthy infants stop breathing and die in their sleep
  • Asthma - caused by chronically inflamed, hypersensitive bronchial passages that respond to many irritants
  • Cyanosis - Blue or purple skin due to lack of oxygen
  • Hemoptysis - Coughing up blood from the lungs