lateralisation & split brain research L6

Cards (16)

  • What is hemispheric lateralisation?
    The left hemisphere is dominant for language and speech.
  • Why is split-brain research conducted?
    To treat severe epilepsy and prevent seizures.
  • What does the right hemisphere specialise in?
    Visuomotor tasks.
  • What procedure do surgeons perform to prevent seizures in split-brain patients?
    They cut the nerve fibres of the corpus callosum.
  • Who reported that damage to the left hemisphere leads to language deficits?
    Broca in 1861.
  • What was the finding of Sperry and Gazaniga (1967) regarding split-brain patients?
    If a picture is shown to the left visual field, it is processed by the right hemisphere.
  • Why can't split-brain patients respond verbally to information processed by the right hemisphere?
    Because the right hemisphere has no language centre.
  • What connects the two hemispheres of the brain?
    Bundles of nerve fibres such as the corpus callosum.
  • What are the advantages of hemispheric lateralisation in cognitive tasks?
    • Engages one hemisphere for a specific task
    • Leaves the other hemisphere free for different functions
    • Enhances brain efficiency in simultaneous tasks
  • In chickens, what is brain lateralisation associated with?
    An enhanced ability to perform two tasks simultaneously.
  • What did Seaflarski et al. (2006) find about language lateralisation with age?
    Language became more lateralised to the left hemisphere with increasing age in children and adolescents.
  • What happens to lateralised patterns as individuals age?
    They tend to switch to bilateral patterns in healthy older adults.
  • Why might older adults use the extra processing resources of the other hemisphere?
    To compensate for age-related declines in function.
  • What claim of early split-brain research has been disconfirmed by more recent studies?
    That damage to the left hemisphere leads to a loss of language function.
  • What did the case study of patient J.W. demonstrate?
    That he developed the capacity to speak about information presented to either hemisphere.
  • What does the case of J.W. challenge regarding the right hemisphere?
    It challenges the claim that the right hemisphere is unable to handle even rudimentary language.