What is the first step in the mechanis, that causes the stimulation of a muscle contraction?
Actionpotentials arriving at the end of the axon open calcium ion channels in the membrane.calciumions flood into the end of the axon.
What is the second step in the mechanism that causes the stimulation of muscles?
Vesicles of Acetylcholine move towards and fuse with the end membrane.
What is the third step in the mechanism which causes the sti8mulation of a muscle contraction?
Acetylcholinemoleculesdiffuse across the gap and fuse with receptors in the sarcolemma
What is the fourth step in the mechanism which causes the stimulation of a muscle contraction?
The fusing of acetylcholine with receptors in the sarcolemma causes sodiumion channels to open that allowsodium ions to enter the muscle fibre that depolarise the sarcolemma
What is the last step in the 'mechanism which results in the stimulation of contraction?
A wave of depolarisation spreads along the sarcolemma and down transversetubules into the muscle fibre.