The extent of fear is out of proportion to any danger presented by the phobicstimulus
What are the behavioural characteristics of phobias?
Panic - crying, screaming, running away, freezing
Avoidance - effects are made to avoid the fearedobjects and situations to reduce the anxiety
Endurance - remaining in the presence of the phobicstimulus but experiencing high levels of anxiety
What are the emotional characteristics of phobias?
Anxiety: Unpleasant state of higharousal that prevents relaxation and positive emotion
Emotional responses are unreasonable: Emotions are disproportionate to the danger posed by the stimuli
What are the cognitive characteristics of phobias?
Selectiveattention to the phobicstimulus: attention will be placed on the phobic stimulus once identified
Irrationalbeliefs: an unsupported view of the phobic stimuli. They are not based on evidence and operate mostly on assumptions
Cognitivedistortions: an exaggerated or irrational thought pattern around the phobic stimulus. There's an error in thinking or logic that affects the way your mind processes information
Recognition of exaggeratedanxiety: conscious awareness that anxiety levels experienced are overstated
What is depression?
A mentaldisordercharacterised by low mood and energy levels
What are the behavioural characteristics of depression?
Low and high activitylevels
Disruption to eating behaviour
Disruption to sleep
Aggression and self harm
What are the emotional characteristics of depression?
Lowered mood: Involves people feeling worthless or empty
Anger: directed to the self or others. Can lead to aggressive or self harming behaviour
Lowered self esteem: Liking themselves less than usual. Can be extreme with individuals becoming self-loathing
What are the cognitive characteristics of depression?
Poorconcentration: unable to stick with tasks that they would usually would do or find it hard to make decisions that would normally have been made quickly
Dwelling on negativeaspects: See the glass as halfempty and have a bias towards recalling unhappy events
Absolutist thinking: see situations in black or white. When a situation is unfortunate, they would see it as an absolute disaster
What is OCD?
A condition characterised by obsessions and/or compulsive behaviour
What are the behavioural characteristics of OCD?
Compulsive behaviour: repetitive (sufferers feel compelled to repeat behaviour e.g. hand washing, counting, tidying / reduce anxiety (10% of sufferers show compulsive behaviour alone, compulsions are performed to manage the anxiety that is produced by the obsessions e.g. compulsive hand washing is carried as a response to an obsessive fear of germs
Avoidance: Reduce anxiety by keepingaway from what triggersOCD (may avoid coming into contact with germs by emptying bin)
Disruption to eatingbehaviour
What are the emotional characteristics of OCD?
Anxiety and distress: Anxiety that goes along with obsessive thoughts are unpleasant. The urge to repeat the behaviour creates anxiety
Depression: often accompanied by depression; may have a lowmood and a lack of enjoyment out of activities
Irrationalguilt: felt over minormoral issues
Disgust: directed to something external e.g. dirt or at the self
What are the cognitive characteristics of OCD?
Obsessivethoughts: 90% of sufferers have this feature where thoughtsoccur over and over again. Are always unpleasant e.g. being contaminated by germs, impulses to hurt someone
Cognitivestrategies: Adopted to deal with obsessions and manage the anxiety associated with them e.g. religious person being tormented by guilt may respond by praying
Insight into excessiveanxiety: Sufferers are aware their obsessions and compulsions are not rational (symptom needed for diagnosis)