
Cards (36)

  • What is the French word for Spring?
    le printemps
  • What is the French word for Summer?
  • What is the French word for Autumn?
  • What is the French word for Winter?
  • How do you ask about the weather in French?
    Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui ?
  • What does "Il fait beau" mean?
    The weather is beautiful.
  • What does "Il fait mauvais" mean?
    The weather is bad.
  • What does "Il fait froid" mean?
    The weather is cold.
  • What does "Il fait frais" mean?
    The weather is cool.
  • What does "Il fait chaud" mean?
    The weather is hot.
  • What does "Il fait du soleil" mean?
    The weather is sunny.
  • What does "Il fait du vent" mean?
    The weather is windy.
  • What does "Il fait du brouillard" mean?
    The weather is foggy.
  • What does "Il pleut" mean?
    It is raining.
  • What does "Il neige" mean?
    It is snowing.
  • What does "Il grêle" mean?
    It is hailing.
  • What does "Il grésille" mean?
    It is sleeting.
  • What does "Il y a du tonnere" mean?
    It is thundering.
  • What does "Il y a des éclairs" mean?
    It is lightning.
  • What does "Il est humide" mean?
    It is humid.
  • What does "Il est couvert" mean?
    It is cloudy.
  • What does "Il est orageux" mean?
    It is stormy.
  • What is the French word for ice?
    la glace
  • What is the French word for lightning?
  • What is the French word for rain?
    la pluie
  • What is the French word for star?
  • What is the French word for storm?
  • What is the French word for sun?
    le soleil
  • What is the French word for wind?
    le vent
  • What is the French word for thunder?
    la tonnerre
  • What is the French word for week?
    la semaine
  • What is the French word for weekend?
    le weekend
  • What is the French word for tornado?
    la tornade
  • What is the French word for hurricane?
  • What is the French word for cloud?
    le nuage
  • What are the different types of weather expressions in French?
    • Il fait beau (beautiful)
    • Il fait mauvais (bad)
    • Il fait froid (cold)
    • Il fait frais (cool)
    • Il fait chaud (hot)
    • Il fait du soleil (sunny)
    • Il fait du vent (windy)
    • Il fait du brouillard (foggy)
    • Il pleut (raining)
    • Il neige (snowing)
    • Il grêle (hailing)
    • Il grésille (sleet)
    • Il y a du tonnere (thundering)
    • Il y a des éclairs (lightning)
    • Il est humide (humid)
    • Il est couvert (cloudy)
    • Il est orageux (stormy)