
Cards (35)

  • Why do sociologists sample?
    To save time, save money, and because testing everyone is impractical.
  • What is a target population in sociological research?
    The total group of individuals from which the sample might be drawn.
  • If a researcher is studying sixth form students at CHS, who is the target population?
    All sixth form students at CHS.
  • What is a sample in sociological research?
    A subset of a target population used to represent the entire group.
  • What does it mean for a sample to be representative?
    It reflects the target population in terms of characteristics like age and gender.
  • What is a sampling frame?
    A list of people from which the sample will be drawn.
  • What is random sampling?
    A technique where every member of the target population has an equal chance of being selected.
  • What is a strength of random sampling?
    It is representative of the target population as everyone has an equal chance of being chosen.
  • What is a weakness of random sampling?
    It requires a large sampling frame to avoid bias.
  • How can bias be introduced in random sampling?
    If some individuals are not available or refuse to participate.
  • What is stratified random sampling?
    A technique where the sample is a proportional representation of the target population.
  • What is a strength of stratified random sampling?
    It allows for representation of all groups in a smaller sample.
  • What is a weakness of stratified random sampling?
    It may not be practical if the sampling frame lacks necessary information.
  • What is quota sampling?
    A technique where the researcher is told how many respondents of a particular type are required.
  • What is a strength of quota sampling?
    It allows the researcher to control participant variables without needing a sampling frame.
  • What is a weakness of quota sampling?
    It is not randomized, so not everyone has the same chance of being selected.
  • What is opportunity sampling?
    A technique where participants are selected from whoever is available at the time of the study.
  • What is a strength of opportunity sampling?
    It is a quick and easy way to gather large numbers of participants.
  • What is a weakness of opportunity sampling?
    It has low representativeness as it is drawn from a small section of the community.
  • What is snowball sampling?
    A non-representative technique that uses personal contacts to build a sample group.
  • What is a strength of snowball sampling?
    No sampling frame is needed, making it easier to access sensitive groups.
  • What is a weakness of snowball sampling?
    It is not representative as participants are part of a network of contacts.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of random sampling?
    • Representative of the target population
    • Quick and easy to implement

    • Requires a large sampling frame
    • Difficult to ensure all are available for the sampling frame
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of stratified random sampling?
    • Proportional representation of the target population
    • High control over participant variables

    • Often impractical due to lack of information
    • Representativeness may be reduced by predetermined groups
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of quota sampling?
    • Control over participant variables
    • No need for a sampling frame

    • Not randomized
    • Practical problems in determining participant criteria
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of opportunity sampling?
    • Quick and easy to gather participants
    • No need for a sampling frame

    • Low representativeness
    • Can be subjective
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of snowball sampling?
    • No sampling frame needed
    • Less ethical issues as participants volunteer

    • Not representative
    • Can take a long time to gather a sufficient sample
  • What are some recommended further readings for sociology sampling techniques?
    Webb R et al. (2015), Webb R & Trobe K. (2015), Browne K. (2015).
  • What is the timing for the Sample AS Paper 2 in sociology?
    1. 30 minutes per mark available.
  • What is the timing for the Sample A level Paper 1 in sociology?
    1. 30 minutes per mark available.
  • What is the timing for the Sample A level Paper 3 in sociology?
    1. 30 minutes per mark available.
  • What is one of the exam questions related to random sampling?
    Outline two disadvantages of using random sampling in sociological research.
  • What is one of the exam questions related to sampling methods?
    Evaluate the problems involved in using different sampling methods when carrying out sociological research.
  • What is one of the exam questions related to non-representative sampling techniques?
    Outline and explain two problems of using non-representative sampling techniques.
  • What is one of the exam questions related to sampling techniques?
    Evaluate the usefulness of different kinds of sampling techniques.