
Cards (39)

  • What is the main focus of Sociology LT16?
    Factors affecting choice of research method(s)
  • How can you recognize a factors question in sociology?
    It usually contains the word "factors" in the question.
  • What should you avoid when answering a question on factors affecting choice of method?
    Evaluating different research methods in terms of strengths and weaknesses.
  • What is required when debating influences in choosing a method?
    You must play one influence against the other and arrive at a reasoned conclusion.
  • What are the three main types of factors affecting research method choice?
    Theoretical factors, practical factors, and ethical factors.
  • What do some sociologists argue is the driving force behind the choice of research method?
    The theoretical perspective of the sociologist.
  • What do positivists believe about sociology?
    Sociology can and should be studied scientifically.
  • How do positivists view the social world?
    As an objective factual reality that is directly measurable.
  • What type of research methods do positivists favor?
    Quantitative research methods.
  • What is an example of a quantitative research method favored by positivists?
  • Why do positivists prefer large-scale surveys?
    They are representative and allow for generalizability.
  • How did Durkheim use official statistics in his research?
    To develop a scientific theory of suicide.
  • What do some sociologists emphasize instead of theoretical factors in choosing research methods?
    Practical factors.
  • What is a challenge when studying sensitive topics or groups?
    It can be harder to study using certain methods.
  • Why are qualitative methods more appropriate for sensitive topics?
    They allow for rapport and trust to be built with participants.
  • What method did Oakley use to study women's experiences of childbirth?
    Informal interviews.
  • What is an example of a topic that may require a large-scale survey?
    The extent of poverty in the UK.
  • Why might a written questionnaire be inappropriate for studying illiterate groups?
    Because they cannot read or write the questions.
  • What personal characteristics can affect the choice of research method?
    The personal skills and social characteristics of the researcher.
  • How can social characteristics create access difficulties in research?
    They may hinder the researcher from blending in with the study group.
  • What skills are necessary for participant observation?
    Good powers of observation and the ability to mix easily with others.
  • What might a sociologist choose if they lack personal skills for qualitative methods?
    Secondary methods such as official statistics or personal documents.
  • Why might time and finance limit research methods?
    Quantitative methods like mailed questionnaires are quicker and cheaper.
  • How might a well-known professor differ from a PhD student in research funding?
    A professor is likely to have access to greater funds for large-scale surveys.
  • How can the source of finance influence research methods?
    Funding from government organizations may constrain sociologists to use quantitative methods.
  • What are some major ethical guidelines sociologists must follow?
    No deception, informed consent, and no harm to participants.
  • Why might covert participant observation be considered unethical?
    It lacks informed consent and can lead to deception and exploitation.
  • What is a significant ethical concern when conducting research with vulnerable groups?
    Ensuring their physical and psychological well-being.
  • What should researchers do when possible regarding participants?
    Seek out participants and fully debrief them.
  • What ethical issues were raised in Milgram's obedience study?
    It caused psychological harm and involved deception.
  • What do interpretivists believe about studying sociology?
    Sociology cannot and should not be studied scientifically.
  • How do interpretivists view the social world?
    As subjective meanings individuals give to events.
  • What type of research methods do interpretivists favor?
    Open-ended qualitative research methods.
  • What is an example of a qualitative research method favored by interpretivists?
    Informal interviews.
  • Why do interpretivists value qualitative methods?
    They produce valid data and allow for deep insight through first-hand experience.
  • How did Dobash & Dobash use qualitative methods in their research?
    To discover the patriarchal nature of domestic violence.
  • What do positivists criticize about qualitative methods?
    They have problems with the Hawthorne effect and subjectivity.
  • What are the key factors influencing the choice of research methods in sociology?
    • Theoretical factors: Perspectives on society and research.
    • Practical factors: Topic sensitivity, researcher skills, time, and cost.
    • Ethical factors: Guidelines ensuring participant safety and informed consent.
  • What is the conclusion regarding the choice of research methods in sociology?
    • The topic/group studied is the most important factor.
    • Sociologists choose methods fit for their purpose.
    • Ethics are crucial and must be adhered to regardless of the method.
    • Triangulation of methods is often used for validity and reliability.