Cards (22)

  • How do changing societal values influence sociological research topics?
    Changing societal values lead to a shift in the focus of sociological research.
  • What sociological focus emerged due to the rise of feminism in the 1960s and 1970s?
    Research into gender inequality.
  • What recent concerns have influenced sociological research into Green crimes?
    Concerns about the environment.
  • Who is John Williams and what area of sociological research has he focused on?
    John Williams is a sociologist who has researched football supporters and hooliganism.
  • What was Sarah Thornton's area of interest in sociology?
    She studied the rave and clubbing scene in the 1990s.
  • What topic might researchers concerned about equality choose to study?
    Social class differences in educational achievement.
  • What practical factor can limit sociological research?
    The inaccessibility of some research materials.
  • What example illustrates the inaccessibility of research in sociology?
    Interviews head teachers have with parents.
  • Why might head teachers deny access to certain classes for research?
    Classroom control may be poor.
  • What permission may be needed for sociological research in schools?
    Permission from Local Education Authorities or Academy chains.
  • What is the 30-year rule in sociological research?
    It prevents access to official documents for 30 years if deemed secret.
  • What safety concerns might sociologists face when studying certain groups?
    Concerns when studying dangerous groups such as criminals.
  • What might a sociologist with a New Right perspective research?
    The effects of increasing welfare benefits on family structure.
  • Why might feminists choose to research domestic violence?
    They oppose gender oppression and control in families.
  • What do Marxists believe is the source of key differences in life events?
    Class inequality.
  • From where do many sociologists receive their funding?
    Government and non-government organizations.
  • What might organizations request from sociologists regarding research?
    They may request research into specific issues like knife crime.
  • Why might a researcher choose a specific topic for personal reasons?
    To gain promotion or an academic qualification.
  • What is a common choice for PhD students regarding their research topics?
    Choosing a topic that has not been researched before.
  • What are the main factors affecting the choice of research topic in sociology?
    • Contemporary social issues
    • Researchers' interests
    • Practical factors (accessibility, permissions)
    • Theoretical perspectives (New Right, Feminism, Marxism)
    • Funding bodies
    • Personal reasons
  • What is the significance of contemporary issues in sociological research?
    • They align with current societal values.
    • They attract funding.
    • They reflect researchers' passions.
  • What types of exam questions might be asked regarding factors affecting research methods in sociology?
    • Outline practical factors affecting research methods.
    • Evaluate how different factors affect research methods.
    • Explain factors affecting choice of research topic.