Public & Personal

Cards (22)

  • What type of sources are documentary sources primarily considered in sociology?
    They are largely qualitative but can be quantitative.
  • What are the different types of documentary sources?
    They can be written, sound, image, etc.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of documentary sources?
    • High validity
    • Cheap and quick to use
    • Easy access

    • Lack of reliability
    • Ethical concerns with personal documents
    • Potential bias and unrepresentativeness
  • What are public documents?
    Documents produced by organizations such as government departments and schools.
  • Give an example of a public document.
    OFSTED reports.
  • What are personal life documents?
    First-person accounts of social events and personal experiences.
  • What is an example of a personal life document?
    The diary of Anne Frank.
  • What is a theoretical advantage of documentary sources according to interpretivists?
    They provide qualitative insight into people's feelings and motives.
  • How did Hey gain insights into girls' feelings about friendships?
    By studying notes passed around in class.
  • What is a limitation of documentary sources regarding reliability?
    They are often unstandardized.
  • What is a practical advantage of using documentary sources?
    They are usually cheap and quick to use.
  • What is a potential issue with accessing some documentary sources?
    Some are not freely available to sociologists.
  • How can comparisons be made using documentary sources?
    By using a wide range of personal documents from different sources.
  • What ethical concerns exist with public documents?
    There are few ethical concerns as they are in the public domain.
  • What ethical concerns arise with personal documents?
    Informed consent is needed for their use.
  • What is a theoretical disadvantage of documentary sources according to positivists?
    They often lack objectivity and may reflect bias.
  • How might the same event be described differently in documentary sources?
    Different individuals may have varying opinions and interpretations.
  • What is a potential issue with the reliability of documentary sources?
    They may not be standardized and can lack consistency.
  • What is a concern regarding the authenticity of documentary sources?
    One cannot always question their authenticity and credibility.
  • What special skills might a researcher need when working with documentary sources?
    They may need skills to translate documents or spot inaccuracies.
  • What ethical issues arise when using documents from deceased individuals?
    There could be exploitation of the documents for sociological gain.
  • What is a specific ethical concern when dealing with sensitive areas in documents?
    Exploitation of the documents can occur, especially in sensitive topics.