Group & Semi - Structured

Cards (11)

  • What is the format of group informal interviews?
    They are likely to take an unstructured or semi-structured format.
  • What are some examples of group informal interviews?
    Focus groups and online discussions.
  • What should you note about marking questions related to informal interviews?
    A higher mark is given for reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of informal interviews.
  • What are the advantages of group informal interviews?
    • Participants may open up more.
    • Peer pressure can influence responses.
    • Requires training for the researcher.
    • Needs skill to keep the interview focused.
  • What are the disadvantages of group informal interviews?
    • Potential for bias.
    • Some individuals may dominate discussions.
    • Peer group pressure can influence responses.
    • Requires training for the researcher.
  • What is the description of semi-structured interviews?
    They have a set of questions but allow flexibility in the order and follow-up questions.
  • What type of data do semi-structured interviews most likely provide?
    Qualitative data through open questions.
  • What is a notable point about marking questions related to semi-structured interviews?
    The advantages and disadvantages are the same as those for informal interviews.
  • What are the advantages of semi-structured interviews?
    • More reliable than unstructured interviews due to standardized questions.
    • Allows for replication and consistent results.
    • More valid than structured interviews due to open questions.
    • Provides in-depth responses for greater insight.
  • What are the disadvantages of semi-structured interviews?
    • Less reliable than structured interviews due to open questions.
    • More difficult to replicate and check for consistent results.
    • Less valid than unstructured interviews due to some closed questions.
    • May restrict participants' responses and not reflect true feelings.
  • How do the reliability and validity of semi-structured interviews compare to structured and unstructured interviews?
    Semi-structured interviews are more reliable than unstructured but less reliable than structured; they are more valid than structured but less valid than unstructured.