Cards (8)

  • Who are the professions?
    the upper middle class. Types of occupation which are self governing (in control of work day) and have relatively high status.
  • how have the professions grown?
    4% of population in 1901 and 20% in 2011
    Functionalist and Weberians say the rise is evidence of an expanding middle class
  • what is the lower middle class?
    consists of white collar workers (admin etc)
  • what do Marxists believe about the lower middle class?
    this type of work has been deskilled, leading to proletarianisation.
  • what is proletarianisation?
    becoming more like the proletariat
  • what are the life chances like for the lower middle class?
    more like the working class
  • What are some reasons for the proletarianisation of the middle class?
    insecure jobs
    High housing cost
    Cost of living crisis
    Student debt
  • what are the gender differences between the middle class?
    by age of 30 51% of men who started in clerical positions have been promoted to management , 30% left altogether. Whereas women are majority of clerical workers and are less likely to be promoted, tend to stay in lower skilled professions.
    women who ask for promotions are perceived as bossy and too aggressive.
    women have fewer meaningful interactions with senior leaders, receive feedback at a lower rate.
    40% of women are interested in top executive positions. feel more discouraged from pressure and uncertain path to them