Only a smallamount of neurotransmitter will be released from a neurone into the synaptic cleft. This might NOT BE ENOUGH to excite the postsynapticmembrane to the THRESHOLDlevel and stimulate an AP
What is summation?
Summation is where the effect of neurotransmitterreleased from manyneurones (or one neurone which is stimulated a lot in a short period of time)is addedtogether
What are the two types of summation?
Describespatial summation?
sometimes many neuronesconnected to one neurone
the SMALL AMOUNT OF NEUROTRANSMITTERreleased from EACH of these neurones can be enoughaltogether to reach the threshold in the postsynapticneurone and trigger an AP
If some neuronesrelease an INHIBITORYneurotransmitter then the TOTALEFFECT OF ALL neurotransmittersmightbeNOAP
Spatial summation?
manyneurones release neurotransmitters = AP
Moreinhibitoryneurotransmitters are released (-) than excitatoryneurotransmitters (+) = NO AP
What is temporal summation?
Temporal summation is where 2 or morenerve impulses arrive in QUICKSUCCESSION from the SAMEPREsynaptic neurone
this makes an APMORELIKELY because more neurotransmitter is released into the synaptic cleft
Briefly SUMMMARISE temporal summation?
high freq of weak impulses = action potential
Both types of summation mean what?
Meansynapses accurately process information, finely tuning the response