he opened the first lab dedicated entirely to psychology
Why is Wundt's work significant?
it marked the beginning of scientific psychology, separating it from its philosophical roots, and making it a distinct scientific discipline
What was Wundt known as?
Father of Modern Psychology
What was Wundt's aim?
to analyse the nature of human consciousness and thus studying the human mind in a more scientific and structured way
What is introspection?
the process of examining one's own thoughts and feelings - self examination - he believed the mind could be studied this way
What was Wundt's main objective?
to develop theories about mental processes, such as language and perception
What was Wundt's procedure?
participants (his highly trained students) would all report on the same stimuli e.g. a ticking metronome, in the same environment and receiving the same instructions
they would report their thoughts, images and sensations
What made his procedure valid/reliable?
introspection obtained during task - avoids memory problems
replication - all pps were in the same environment/had the same instructions