the new right

Subdecks (2)

Cards (39)

  • what do they favour
    nuclear family
  • view on changes that have led to greater family diversity
    -they're threatening the conventional family
    -producing social problems like crime & welfare dependency
  • what does The New Right blame these changes in diversity on?

    state policies
  • Almond argues : 

    -laws making a divorce easier undermine the idea of marriage as a lifelong commitment between man & woman
    -introduction of civil partnerships for gay & lesbian couples sends message that state no longer sees heterosexual marriage as superior
    -tax laws discriminate against conventional families with a sole breadwinner
  • what do they point out about the increased rights for unmarried cohabitants
    > adoption rights, succession to council housing, pension rights
    -make cohabitation & marriage more similar
    -send out signal that state doesn't see marriage as special or better
  • Murray - welfare policy
    -undermines conventional nuclear family
    -encourages deviant & dysfunctional family types
  • Murray - welfare benefits offer 'perverse incentives' 

    they reward irresponsible / anti social behaviour:
    > fathers see state will maintain children, they abandon responsibilities
    > providing council housing for unmarried teens encourage young girls to get pregnant
    > lone parent family growth means more boys grow up without male role model
  • result of boys growing up without male role model

    responsible for rising crime rate among young males
  • encouraging a dependency culture threatens 2 essential functions :

    -successful socialisation of the young
    -the maintenance of the work ethic among young men
  • The New Right's solution to these issues
    -policy must be changed
    -cuts in welfare spending
    -tighter restrictions on who is eligible for benefits
  • advantages of cutting welfare benefits
    -taxes could be reduced
    -give fathers more incentive to work and provide for family
  • advantages of denying council housing to unmarried teen mums

    -remove major incentive to become pregnant when young
  • advocating policies supporting nuclear family
    -taxes that favour married couples (not cohabiting)
    -making absent fathers financially responsible for their children
  • the less the state interferes with the family the better
  • strength
    cutting welfare means taxes will be lowered