Musculoskeletal System

Cards (19)

  • Joints
    A place where two or more muscles meet and create movement
  • Ball and Socket Joint
    Allows movement in all directions
    Movements: Extension, Flexion, Adduction, Abduction, Rotation
  • Hinge Joint
    Only allows forward and backwards movement
    Movements: Flexion, Extension (Plantarflexion and Dorsi-Flexion at the Ankle)
  • Plane
    An imaginary flat surface that divides the body into two sections
  • Axis
    An imaginary straight line around which something turns
  • Sagittal Plane + Transverse Axis
    Divides body into left and right
    Movements go forwards or backwards (flexion at the knee)
  • Transverse Plane + Frontal Axis 

    Divides body into top and bottom
    Movements which require rotation or twisting
  • Transverse Plane + Longitudinal Axis

    Divides body into front and back
    Movements towards or away from the midline of the body
  • Antagonist Muscle Pairs
    Muscles are paired to create movement
    One muscle will contract while the other relaxes
  • Agonist
    The prime mover in a muscle pair
    Creates the movement between muscles and bones
  • Antagonist
    The muscle which relaxes
    Facilitates the contraction of the agonist
  • Isometric Contractions
    Muscle contractions which do not create movement
    The muscle will contract without lengthening and shortening
    Relies on tension and holding position
  • Isotonic Eccentric Contractions
    The muscle lengthens under tension
    Acts a break against movement during negative work
  • Isotonic Concentric Contractions
    The muscle shortens under tension
  • Newtons First Law
    An object will remain in its state of motion unless another force acts on it
    Inertia is the resistance to this changing force
  • Newtons Second Law
    The rate of momentum depending on force
    The higher the force the faster the acceleration
  • Newtons Third Law
    To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
  • Power (W) = Force x Distance/Time
  • Force (F) = Momentum / Time