Cards (64)

  • Adenosine Triphosphate
    The only usable form of chemical energy in the body
    Gained from broken down food which releases energy to form it
  • ATPase
    The enzyme which is used to break down ATP
    Creates Adenosine Diphosphate, phosphate and energy
  • Phosphocreatine
    Found in the muscles
    Often used to fuel chemical reactions
  • ATP-PC System
    Used for maximal intensity exercise
    Can only be replenished or resynthesized in a low-intensity environment when
    Can only be replenished in the presence of oxygen
  • ATP-PC System (Molecular Level)

    Fuelled by Phosphocreatine
    Reaction occurs in the sarcoplasm of the muscle
    Uses the enzyme creatine kinase
    Yield of 1:1 without by products
  • Examples of ATP-PC sports 

    100m sprint
    Long jump
    50m swimming
  • Advantages of ATP-PC System
    Quick process
    Phosphocreatine stores can be quickly resynthesized (30 seconds - 3 minutes)
    No harmful waste products
    Creatine supplements can extent the process
  • Disadvantages of ATP-PC System
    Limited supply of Phosphocreatine to muscles
    Only yields 1 molecule of ATP for one molecule of Phosphocreatine
    Can only be resynthesized in the presence of oxygen
  • Anaerobic Glycolytic System
    Provides energy in high-intensity situations for longer than the ATP-PC system
    Length of use depends on natural fitness levels
    Gains fuel from breakdown of glycogen into glucose
  • Anaerobic Glycolytic System Pathway
    Glycogen is broken down into glucose from glycogen phosphorylase
    Glucose breakdown by phosphofructokinase with glycolysis forms 2 ATP molecules
    The process forms Pyruvic Acid which is broken down to form lactic acid through lactate dehydrogenase
  • Anaerobic Glycolytic System (Molecular Level)

    Fuelled by muscle or liver glycogen
    Reaction occurs in the sarcoplasm of the muscle
    Uses the enzymes of: glycogen phosphorylase, phosphofructokinase and lactate dehydrogenase
    Yield of 1 Glycogen to 2 ATP
    Produces Lactic Acid as a waste product
  • Advantages of Anaerobic Glycolytic
    ATP can be quickly regenerated
    Lactic Acid can be removed in the presence of oxygen
    Offers the opportunity for an extra burst of energy
  • Disadvantages of Anaerobic Glycolytic
    Lactic Acid is a harmful by-product
    Only small amount of energy released from glycogen in anaerobic conditions
  • Examples of Anaerobic Glycolytic sports 

    Velodrome cycling
    400m sprint
    Basketball (Team sports in general)
  • Aerobic System
    Occurs when at a low level of intensity and a high level of oxygen is present
    Split into: Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Chain
    Can produce up to 38 ATP molecules
  • Glycolysis (Aerobic System)

    Occurs in the sarcoplasm of the muscle cell
    The breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid in the present of oxygen
    2 ATP molecules are resynthesized
  • Krebs Cycle (Anaerobic System)

    Acetyl-coenzyme A diffuses into the mitochondria
    Mixes with oxaloacetic acid to form citric acid
    Citric acid is broken down to release carbon and hydrogen
    The carbon forms carbon dioxide and is breathed out while hydrogen goes to the Electron Transport Chain
    2 ATP molecules are produced
  • Electron Transport Chain (Aerobic System)

    Occurs in the mitochondria
    The Krebs cycle hydrogen is moved by hydrogen carriers to the Electron Transport Chain
    Hydrogen splits into hydrogen ions and electrons
    The process produces 34 ATP molecules
  • Beta Oxidation
    Stored fats are broken down into glycerol and three fatty acids
    The fat is transported by the blood into the muscle cell
    Converted to Acetyl-coenzyme A by beta oxidation which enters the Krebs Cycle
  • Advantages to Beta Oxidisation
    More ATP is produced per molecule of fatty acid than molecule of glucose
    Good at long durations and low intensity
    Fatty acids are the main source and help lose stores of fat
  • Disadvantage of Beta Oxidation
    Depends on the fitness levels of the performer
  • Advantages of Aerobic System
    38 ATP molecules are produced
    No fatiguing by-products and only CO2 and water is produced
    Lots of natural glycogen stores mean exercise can last a long duration
  • Disadvantages of Aerobic System
    Highly complicated system
    Oxygen availability needed to meet the demands of activity
    Glycogen and fatty acids must be broken down
    Fatty acid transportation is low which means 15% more oxygen is required to be broken down
  • Examples of Aerobic System sports

    Marathon running
    Tour de France (predominantly)
    Long distance / endurance swimming
  • Energy Continuum's
    One type of energy system is the predominant energy provider
    Determined by the intensity and duration of the activity
  • Energy Threshold
    The point at which an athlete moves from one energy store to another
  • ATP-PC / Anaerobic Glycolytic Threshold
    10 seconds
  • Anaerobic Glycolytic / Aerobic Threshold
    3 minutes
  • ATP Generation in Slow Twitch Fibres
    Main pathway occurs in the aerobic system
    Produces the maximum amount of ATP from each glucose molecule
    Production is slow but fibres are endurance based so don't fatigue
  • ATP Generation in Fast Twitch Fibres
    ATP production in the absence of oxygen is not efficient as only produces 2 ATP molecules per glucose
    Main pathway for ATP production is through glycolysis
    Production of ATP is fast but unable to last as they fatigue quickly
  • Fats VS Carbs for ATP
    Fat usage becomes limited at intensity
    More oxygen than glucose is required in the breakdown
    Continued exercise sees the need for fat as energy drop
  • Oxygen Consumption During Exercise 

    Oxygen Consumption = amount of oxygen needed to produce ATP
    Referred to as VO2 Max
    Consume an average of 0.3 to 0.4 litres of oxygen per minute
  • VO2 Max
    Maximum volume of oxygen that can be taken up by the muscles per minute
  • Sub-Maximal Deficit
    Energy is provided anaerobically to satisfy the increase in demand for energy until the body is able to cope
  • Maximum Oxygen Deficit
    Gives an indication of anaerobic capacity
    Bigger during maximal exercise as they have to work anaerobically
  • Oxygen Consumption during Recovery
    Involves returning the body to its pre-existing levels
    Oxygen consumption remains high when compared to rest
    Depends on duration and intensity of exercise
  • Excess Post-Oxygen Consumption
    The extra amount of oxygen consumed during recovery compared to rest
  • Fast Component (EPOC)

    Known as the alactacid component
    Complete restoration takes up to 3 minutes
    50% of stores take 30 seconds
    Oxygen stores in the myoglobin are limited
  • Removal of Lactic Acid (EPOC)
    Pyruvic Acid to enter Krebs Cycle = 65%
    Transported into the liver to convert blood glucose = 25%
    Converted into protein = 10%
    Removed in sweat and urine = Minor Amount
  • Maintenance of Breathing and Heart Rates
    Extra oxygen is required to fuel the demands of the muscles
    Aims to restore the body to a level of rest or pre-existing state