Sign Test

    Cards (35)

    • What is meant by a type 1 error?
      A type 1 error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is actually true.
    • What is the sign test?
      The sign test is a non-parametric statistical test used to determine if there is a significant difference between two related samples.
    • When would you use the sign test?
      You would use the sign test when you have a repeated measures design and nominal data.
    • What does the sign test tell us?
      The sign test tells us if the difference is significant enough to attribute it to the independent variable rather than chance.
    • What are the 3 factors needed for a sign test?
      Two related samples, nominal data, and a hypothesis about the difference.
    • How do you calculate the value (S) in the sign test?
      You calculate S by looking for the less frequent sign in the differences.
    • What is the purpose of statistical testing?
      To determine if the results are significant.
    • What is the significance level typically used in psychology for a one-tailed test?
      0.05 (5%)
    • What does a significance level of 0.05 mean for a researcher?
      The researcher can be 95% confident that the change was due to the independent variable and not chance.
    • What are the 8 statistical tests that should be identified?
      • Sign Test
      • Chi-squared
      • Mann-Whitney
      • Wilcoxon
      • Spearman’s rho
      • Pearson’s r
      • Related t-test
      • Unrelated t-test
    • When might a significance level of 0.01 be used?
      It might be used in studies that could affect human lives, such as drug trials.
    • What happens if the results are not significant at the 0.05 level?
      The researcher would fail to reject the null hypothesis.
    • What are the levels of measurement in statistics?
      • Nominal: Data in separate categories.
      • Ordinal: Data that is ordered but gaps are not meaningful.
      • Interval: Data measured on a scale with equal intervals.
    • What are critical values in the context of the sign test?
      Critical values are predetermined values that indicate at what point the results support or disprove the hypothesis.
    • What is the difference between parametric and non-parametric tests?
      Parametric tests use mean and standard deviation, while non-parametric tests use ranked data.
    • When should a non-parametric test be used?
      When data is nominal or ordinal, or when the data does not represent a normal distribution.
    • What is the significance of a normal distribution in parametric tests?
      It indicates that the data is bell-shaped and evenly distributed around the mean.
    • What is the mnemonic to remember the statistical tests?
      Carrots Should Come Mashed With Spinach Under Roast Potatoes.
    • What is the appropriate statistical test for nominal data?
      Chi-squared or sign test.
    • What is the level of significance for a two-tailed test?
      0.10 (10%)
    • What is the level of significance for a one-tailed test at a higher confidence level?
      0.01 (1%)
    • What is the level of significance for a two-tailed test at a higher confidence level?
      0.02 (2%)
    • What is the appropriate statistical test for ordinal data?
      Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon or Spearman's Rho
    • What is the significance of the sign test in psychological research?
      The sign test allows researchers to determine if observed differences are statistically significant.
    • What is the appropriate statistical test for interval data?
      Unrelated t-test, Related t-test or Pearson's r
    • What is the significance of the sign test in research?
      It is used to analyze differences in related samples.
    • Why is it important to use nominal data in the sign test?
      Nominal data allows for categorization of responses, which is essential for the sign test.
    • What are the implications of type 1 errors in research findings?
      Type 1 errors can lead to false conclusions about the effectiveness of an intervention.
    • What is the role of critical values in hypothesis testing?
      Critical values help determine whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis based on the calculated results.
    • Why is it important to justify the choice of statistical test in research?
      To ensure the test is appropriate for the data type and research question.
    • What is the process of calculating the S value in the sign test?
      The S value is calculated by counting the less frequent sign in the differences between paired observations.
    • How would you calculate the value of S using the sign test?
      By counting the number of positive and negative differences.
    • How do you interpret results in the context of the sign test?
      Results are interpreted based on whether the calculated S value is less than or equal to the critical value.
    • How can the sign test be applied in real-world scenarios?
      The sign test can be used in clinical trials to assess the effectiveness of treatments.
    • What is the mnemonic for stats testing?
      Carrots Should Come Mashed With Spinach Under Roast Potatoes