the war presented many new injuries, and surgeons developed new techniques to repair bones, perform plastic surgery and brain surgery etc.
Medical advancements:
x-rays discovered 20 years before the war, but were manufactured in WW1 to meet demand on the Western Front
blood groups discovered in 1901, and helped transfusions to become successful. A way of storing blood was also created for WW1
Fleming rediscovered penicillin in 1928, by chance, however couldn't develop his findings
Florey and Chain in 1939 were funded by the US to produce penicillin for WW2. By 1944, penicillin was mass produced, and proved to be extremely successful during the war.
after WW2 many wanted to improve society
this led to a victory for the Labour Party
Sir William Beveridge published the Beveridge report in 1942
Aneurin Bevan was Labour Minister for health, who introduced the National Health Service (NHS)