an aqueous environment that keeps substrates + products in solution
freedom from toxins + excess inhibitors
→ without these the cells become inactive + die as cells are specialised + rely on each other they must be able to communicate in order to coordinate their activities
The threat from changing environments
Changing external environments
could place stress on living organisms
if the organism is to remain active + survive , the change in environment must be monitored + the organism must change its behaviour or physiology to reduce stress, environmental change affects its response
environment may change slowly in seasons pass - these changes elicit a gradual response
environment may change quicker
Changing internal environments
Many cells and tissues are not exposed to the external environment - they are protected by epithelial tissues such as skin or bark
animals the internal cells and tissues are bathed in tissue fluid
as cells undergo metabolic reactions, they use up substrates + create new products
→ some may be unwanted or toxic so the substances move out of the cells into the tissue fluid + the activities of the cells alter their own environment
Changing internal environments 2
Carbon dioxide is a waste product that, if allowed to build up in tissue fluid, lowers pH and can disrupt enzymes and proteins
Accumulated waste stimulates its own removal; for example, lower blood pH triggers increased breathing to expel carbon dioxide
Excess waste can also reduce cell activity, which may not be beneficial for the organism as a whole
Maintaining internal environment
compilation of tissue fluid is maintained by the blood
blood flows throughout the body + transports substances to and from the cells
any wastes or toxins accumulating in the tissue fluid are likely to enter the blood + be carried
→ in order to prevent their accumulation in the blood they must be removed from the body by excretion
Maintaining internal environment 2
important to monitor closely concentration of waste products + other substances in blood
→ ensuring the body doesn’t excrete too much of useful substances but remove enough of waste products to maintain good health so cells in body are supplied with substrate they need
A good communication system will :
cover the whole body enable cells to communicate with each other
enable specific communication
enable rapid communication
enable both long term + short term responses
Cell Signalling
neuronal system
an interconnected network of neurones that signal to each other across synapse junctions
neurones can conduct a signal very quickly and enable rapid response to stimuli that might be changing quickly
hormonal system
a system that uses blood to transport its signals
cells in an endocrine organ release the signal (a hormone) directly from the blood
→the hormone is transported throughout the body, but only recognised by specific target cell
enable long-term responses to be coordinated
Cell Signalling
hormonal system
a system that uses blood to transport its signals
cells in an endocrine organ release the signal (a hormone) directly from the blood
→the hormone is transported throughout the body, but only recognised by specific target cell