Beck claimed that depression is caused by negative self-schemas maintaining the cognitive triad: a negative and irrational view of ourselves, our future and the world around us.
For sufferers of depression, these thoughts occur automatically and are symptomatic of depressed people.
According to Beck, negative self schemas and cognitive biases maintain the negative triad.
Negativeviews about the future: I'll never be in a relationship, no one loves me
Negative views about the world: No one loves me because the world is unfair.
Negative views about oneself: I am unloveable
Negative self-schema:
According to Beck, depressed people possess negative self-schemas, which may come from negative experiences, for example: criticism from parents, peers and even teachers.
Ineptness Schema:
Makes sufferers expect to fail.
They feel useless, invaluable.
Negative Self-Blame Schema:
Makes them feel responsible for any misfortunes.
Negative Self-Evaluation Schema:
Constantly remind themselves of their worthlessness.
Cognitive biases:
Beck found depressed people are more likely to focus on the negative aspects of a situation, while ignoring the positives.
They distort information.
They make a sweeping conclusion based on a single incident.
EG: 'I've failed one end of unit test and therefore I'm going to fail ALL of my end of year 12 exams.'
They exaggerate a minor setback and believe that it's a complete disaster.
EG: 'I've failed one end of unit test and therefore I'm never going to study at University.'
According to the cognitive approach, abnormal behaviour can be caused by cognitive bias, distortion and faulty thinking.
Making over-generalisations and catastrophising are two cognitive biases.
A person with depression will have a negative view of the self; thinking they are a failure or unworthy of love.
A person with depression will have a negative view of the future; will not see it getting any better in the future, so what is the point.