
Cards (31)

  • What is the shape of Mycobacteria?
    Unicellular and branched rods
  • What type of bacteria are Mycobacteria classified as?
    Gram positive
  • What is a key feature of the Mycobacteria cell wall?
    It contains sugars, proteins, and a lot of lipid
  • What staining method is used for Mycobacteria?
    Acid fast staining using Ziehl Neelson stain
  • What color do Mycobacteria appear after acid fast staining?
  • What is the purpose of counterstaining with methylene blue in acid fast staining?
    To differentiate Mycobacteria from other cells
  • How are Mycobacteria grouped based on their growth rates?
    • FAST growers: 1-2 days on plates (e.g., M.phlei, Msmegmatis)
    • SLOW growers: several weeks (e.g., M.tuberculosis)
  • Which Mycobacterium is closely related to tuberculosis?
    1. bovis
  • What is the common name for M.ulcerans?
    Buruli ulcer
  • What is the global impact of tuberculosis in terms of mortality?
    30,000 die every week
  • How many people are infected with tuberculosis globally?
    2 billion people
  • Why is tuberculosis considered a disease of poverty?
    It has a high incidence in HIV infected individuals
  • What are the general clinical manifestations of tuberculosis?
    • Fever
    • Weight loss
    • Weakness
    • Persistent cough
  • What is the primary infection site for tuberculosis?
    The lungs
  • What happens when M. tuberculosis is engulfed by alveolar macrophages?
    It can either be cleared or replicate depending on the immune response
  • What is a granulomatous tubercle?
    A structure formed when bacteria attract more immune cells and damage tissue
  • What can happen to a tubercle over time?
    It can remain silent or allow reactivation of bacteria
  • What is the effect of steroids on sputum clearance in tuberculosis patients?
    They increase the rate of sputum clearance
  • What are the methods for diagnosing tuberculosis?
    • Radiology
    • Microscopy of sputum for acid fast rods
    • Culture of sputum samples
    • PCR
  • What is the purpose of preventive vaccination against tuberculosis?
    To prevent establishment of infection and disease development
  • What is the name of the vaccine used for tuberculosis?
    Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG)
  • What is the efficacy of BCG vaccine in humans?
    It protects against disseminated disease in children
  • What are the first-line oral anti-TB drugs?
    Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide
  • What is the treatment regimen for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)?
    At least 4 potentially active drugs
  • What is the causative agent of leprosy?
    Mycobacterium leprae
  • Why is the transmission of leprosy still a mystery?
    Most people who contact leprosy patients do not get infected
  • What are the two clinical manifestations of leprosy?
    • Tuberculoid: mild disease with few bacilli and strong immune response
    • Lepromatous: severe disease with many bacilli and poor immune response
  • What is the most used antibiotic for leprosy treatment?
  • What is the challenge with Dapsone in leprosy treatment?
    Resistance to Dapsone is becoming increasingly common
  • What is the recommended treatment for leprosy?
    • Multidrug therapy: Dapsone, Clofazamine, Rifampicin
  • What are the key points about tuberculosis treatment regimens?
    • Multi-drug treatment required due to resistance
    • WHO updates recommendations yearly