Blood Glucose Concentration

Cards (4)

  • Insulin
    • decreases blood glucose concentration
    • makes cell membranes more permeable to glucose, allowing more glucose to diffuse into the liver and muscle cells
    • stimulates the liver and muscle cells to convert excess glucose into glycogen for storage
    • increases use of glucose for respiration
    • lack of secretion causes diabetes as glucose cannot be stored or utilised by cells
  • Glucagon
    • increases blood glucose concentration
    • stimulates conversion of glycogen into glucose
    • stimulates conversion of fats and amino acids into glucose
  • Maintaining Blood Glucose Concentration
    • blood glucose concentration rises/falls below normal
    • islets of Langerhans in the pancreas are stimulated
    • islets of Langerhans secrete insulin/glucagon into bloodstream
    • blood transports insulin/glucagon to liver and muscles
    • action of hormones
    • blood glucose concentration decreases/increases back to normal, providing feedback to islets of Langerhans to reduce hormone production
  • Type 2 diabetes
    • develops when the target cells do not respond well to insulin
    • healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes (eat foods that are low in calories, high in fibre, engage in more physical activity)