Geneticdiversity - it is the diversity in the number and types of genes as well as chromosomes present in different species
species diversity- it is the diversity at the species level or the measure of the variety of species and their relative abundance within a region
Species richness- It refers to the number of species per unit area
species diversity increases if the species richness is higher
species evenness - It refers to the relative abundance of species in an area
Ecological diversity - It refers to the diversity at ecosystem level due to the presence of more variety of ecosystems and habitats
Latitudinal gradients - Species diversity decreases as we move away from the equator towards the pole, this means that biodiversity is more at lower latitude than the higher latitude
log S = log C + Z log A
Species richness increasing with increased exploring area, but only upto a limit
rivet popper hypothesis - Biodiversity is important for the maintenance and health of an ecosystem
Loss of biodiversity
Biological wealth of earth is declining rapidly. Human activities are the major reason for it.
endangered species
those species which are facing a high risk of extinction in the near future
it is due to decrease in habitat, excessive predation or poaching
Humanactivities have accelerated the rate of extinction of species from the earth
Habitat loss and fragmentation
Destruction of habitat is the most important cause of extinction of both plant and animal species
Causes of loss of biodiversity
Habitat loss and fragmentation
Alien species invasion
In situ conservation
This conservation strategy involves conservation of living organisms within their natural habitats
biodiversity hotspots
these are regions with very high levels of species richness, high degree of endemism and accelerated habitat loss
protected areas
national parks
wildlife sanctuaries
biosphere reserves
core zone
buffer zone
transition zone
sacred groves
ramsar sites
Placing the threatened animals and plants in special care units for their protection