Social learning theory

Cards (8)

  • What is the social learning theory?
    Form of learning behaviours through imitation, observation and watching people get consequences because of their behaviours
  • What is the aim of the BOBO Doll experiment?
    To investigate if behaviours can be acquired by observation and imitation
  • Summarise the BOBO Doll experiment part 1
    • A group of 24 children watched an adult perform aggressive behaviour and the other group watched an adult perform non-aggressive behaviour
    • Groups where divided into groups of girls and groups of boys
    • Half of the groups where exposed to a same sex model perform the aggressive behaviour the other half opposite sex model
  • Summarise the experiment part 2
    • Individually taken to a play room where a model was physically and verbally abusing a BOBO Doll
    • Individually the children where taken to another play room to play with toys and then they were told 2 mins later they cant play with the toys
    • Taken to another playroom with a BOBO Doll and play hammers and bats but also other toys like crayons this behaviour was observed
  • Explain the results of the experiment
    • Boys were more aggressive than girls
    • Boys exposed to a male model were more aggressive than the ones exposed to a female model
    • Children exposed to the violent model tended to imitate this behaviour
  • What are the key concepts of the social learning theory?
    Modelling - Observer imitates the models behaviour or model demonstrates the behaviour
    Observation - Observer is actively watching the behaviours of others
    Imitation - Learner copies the behaviours of the model(more likely to happen if they identify with the model)
    Vicarious learning - Observing a models behaviour being reinforced
  • What are the strengths of the social learning theory?
    • helps us understand how aggressive behaviour can be reduced
    • Explains how children learn aggressive behaviours
    • Found out that children are more likely to imitate a models behaviour if they are being reinforced (rewarded)
  • What are the weaknesses of the social learning theory?
    • Not a complete explanation of learning - role of genetic factors as studies show aggression is similar in identical twins - (kendler et al)
    • Banduras experiment is carried out in controlled lab conditions and not in real life situations