a psychopath is defined as a person who has low capacity for moral responsibility and is extremely selfish
a way to identify them is their language. previously it was believed that they were eloquent and coherent, due to how psychopaths were portrayed in the media
Background part 2?
3. this was disproved by researchers eg Patrick said psychopaths are incoherent when speaking in comparison to non-psychopaths, and Clerkly said psychopaths are more likely to go off on a tangent compared to controls
4. Hancock wanted to explore this further by comparing psychopathic and non-psychopathic murderers through three language indicators; poverty of affect, predatory world view and socio-economic needs
The aim of Hancock?
Examine whether the language psychopathicmurderers use is different to non-psychopathic murderers.
Research method
Self-report using StepWise interview technique. Face to face semi-structured interview with open ended questions.
Describe the sample
52malemurderers in Canadian prisons. 38 non-psychopathic and 14 psychopathic. All had admitted their crime and volunteered to take part.
Describe how participants were split into psychopaths and non-psychopaths
Ps who volunteered using Hare's Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. They assessed if each were a psychopath or not, but they lowered the normal score from 30/40 to 25/40. This test was carried out by trained prison psychologists or trained researchers. Then 10 trained graduate students would recode 10 randomly selected files which showed a significant correlation in scores and high inter-rater reliability.
what was the procedure?
Ps interviewed by 2 senior psych grads & 1 research assistant, audio-taped. Given brief of aim & procedure, then p asked to describe their homicide not leaving out any details, prompted using StepWise technique, 25 minutes & were double-blind. Interviews transcribed as close to verbatim as possible, analysed using Wmatrix programme and DAL software. W-speech & semantics of phs together compared to non-phs, with tagged parts of speech eg verbs, semantic concepts eg time. D-examine properties of language, pleasantness & intensity of emotional lang analysed individually.
Explain the findings
predatory world view: instrumental language analysis, phs more likely to use subordinating conjunctions (cause and effect words eg so) to justify crime
socio-economic needs: phs used approx twice as many words relating to basic physiological needs eg food when describing crime while non-phs used significantly more language related to social needs eg religion
poverty of affect: phs used more past tense verbs eg stabbed not stab and greater use of concrete nouns (not emotions/abstract nouns)-detached from crime/less fluent, less positive, less emotionally intense
What were the conclusions?
psychopaths more likely than non-psychopaths to use describe cause and effect relationships when describing their murders
psychopaths more likely view crime as logical outcome of a plan than non-psychopaths
psychopaths focus on basic physiological needs than high level social needs than non-psychopaths
psychopaths more emotionally detached from their crimes
psychopaths less emotional and less positive in their speech