The development gap

Cards (4)

  • What is development?
    How far the country has grown economically and technologically - positive change

    the Q of life and living standards improve as a country develops
  • What are the 4 factors that affect a country's speed of development?
    • Environmental - Natural hazards may cause damage to buildings and require re-investment

    • Economic - Good trading qualities with other countries (Trade) and debt. Inflation means less money spent by government.

    • Social - Access to safe water - cholera and education, lower Q of life

    • Political - Stable government or civil war
  • What is the development gap?
    Difference in standards of living between the rich and poor countries
  • 4 factors that affect the Q of L?
    • Economic - Income, security
    • Physical - Water, climate
    • Social - Family, health
    • Psychological - Happiness, freedom