Normative Ethical Theories - Essay Plans

Cards (30)

  • Examine Aquinas' NML A01

    - primary precepts
    - secondary precepts
    - proportionalism
    - four fold division
  • Aquinas NML A02

    - strength: deontological. Help people know exactly how to respond in any given situation
    - weakness: inflexible and not culturally relative
    - strength: bible based. Welcomed by Christians around the world
    - weakness: not everyone considers biblical ethics to be morally right
    - strength: teleological: provides a foundation. Enables people to establish common rules by which people can live in an ordered society. Sets firm boundaries for moral behaviour
    - weakness: people have different beliefs and aims in life. Some rules do not work for people
  • Examine Fletcher's Situation Ethics A01

    - middle way between legalism and antinomianism / context of 1960s
    - teleological / situational
    - bible based. Jesus was a situationist
    - focus on agape love. Link to personalism
  • Fletcher SE A02

    - strength: based on Jesus's life; he acted situationally. Built around agapeic love displayed by Jesus. Ideal formula when faced with problems bcs it focuses on most loving action
    - weakness: more modern way of approaching problems. Basing decisions on the bible is outdated
    - strength: individual autonomy: ignore rules which do not fit a situation. Gives more freedom
    - weakness: too much responsibility on the individual. People need rules. If not can lead to selfishness
    - strength: promotes moral justice: forces people to analyse situations in terms of the desired end. Motivates people to improve society
    - weakness: could lead to obsessive love being mistaken as agape love
  • Examine Aristotle's Virtue Ethics A01

    - character based
    - end goal of eudaimonia
    - golden mean. Link to courage. Also justice
    - fruitcake analogy
  • Aristotle's VE A02

    - strength: human centered: values strength of moral character above rules. Eg janitor story
    - weakness: cultural differences in what is considered virtuous
    - strength: moral judgement: make decisions based on what seems virtuous rather than consequences or rules conflicting
    - weakness: lack of rules means there is a lot of pressure on individuals to act in a virtuous manner despite not knowing how it is defined. Aristotle's ideas outdated
    - strength: teleological focus of eudaimonia: good for own wellbeing and society. Tries to improve yourself and your virtuous side
    - weakness: better suited for individual morality. Cannot be used for politics as laws are based on the majority rather than an individual. Therefore may not align with our individual virtue system
  • NML abortion A01

    - abortion goes against primary precept of preservation of life and reproduction
    - double effect (defies first rule: nature of act. Many believe it is not moral)
    - secondary precepts: do not kill
    - proportionalism: only allows double effect, just war and a starving man stealing. Assesses the value and disvalue and intention
  • NML abortion A02

    - strength: bible based. Bible says to care for pregnant women
    - weakness: atheists disagree. Not everyone agrees with biblical morals
    - strength: intrinsic morals: abortion is intrinsically evil. Uses primary precepts to back up argument
    - weakness: woman's feelings should come first
    - strength: deontological: clear rules to follow
    - weakness: outdated inflexible and unrealistic. Difficult to apply to abortion
  • NML euthanasia A01

    - sanctity of life: human life is intrinsically good and it is always impermissible to kill an innocent human
    - biblical based: 1980 declaration on euthanasia. Catholic Church's official document about euthanasia. Euthanasia ignores the value of suffering for salvation
    - most fearful evil is death. Suicide not allowed
    - primary precepts: preservation of life, worship of God and ordered society
  • NML euthanasia A02

    - strength: deontological: guides us to primary precept of preservation of life and living in an ordered society
    - weakness: would allow for people to endure extended suffering - physically or mentally
    - strength: double effect - allows us to fully assess the situation
    - weakness: euthanasia goes against it. How can you know your intention though? How do you know if the act is morally right or not?
    - strength: bible based. Ten Commandments - thou shall not kill
    - weakness: some may disagree with Ten Commandments as they do not consider euthanasia as murder. Not everyone considers biblical teachings ethical
  • NML capital punishment A01

    - believes individuals should not be responsible because it becomes revenge. Should be carried out by state
    - bible: god authorised the Israelites to kill their enemies, like how the state authorises the executioner a murderer. Works towards ordered society
    - primary precept: ordered society more important than preservation of innocent life (criminal is not innocent).
    - an eye for an eye: exodus 21:24. Punishment equal to the crime
  • NML capital punishment A02

    - strength: deontological
    - weakness: too much responsibility on individuals such as executioner and judge
    - strength: carried out by state. Pressure off individual
    - weakness: Aquinas talks about sanctity of life yet allows capital punishment. Some may argue that only God should carry out punishments. It is not our duty to
    - strength: biblical teachings
    - weakness: not everyone agrees with the teachings
  • NML embryo reseach A01

    - imago dei: image of God. Designer babies go against God's intentions
    - experimentation is wrong: human becomes an individual person at the moment of conception. Experimentation up to fourteenth day can break the commandment to not murder
    - violates third primary precept: ordered society.
    - Jeremiah 1:5: 'before I formed you in the womb I knew you'd. we should not interfere with God's creation
  • NML embryo research A02

    - strength: deontological
    - weakness: Aquinas' ideas are outdated. Why should we pass up the opportunity of potentially saving thousands of lives?
    - strength: bible based
    - weakness: atheists would reject it. Also God's intention is for us to fulfill our purpose. Research could cure diseases that could help us fulfil our purpose
    - strength: primary precept: embryo research goes against orderly society
    - weakness: preservation of life. Potential curing of diseases achieves this
  • SE abortion A01

    - love decides there and then
    - agapeic calculus
    - Jesus broke the law
    - personalism and pragmatism
  • SE abortion A02

    - strength: focuses on agape love
    - weakness: what about love for the foetus?
    - strength: teleological / based on situation
    - weakness: people have different interpretations of what is loving
    - strength: Jesus didn't follow the rules sometimes
    - weakness: just because Jesus broke the rules doesn't mean it is acceptable in this situation
  • SE euthanasia A01

    - case of Jim: situationists would think he has a right to die as well as a right to live
    - four pre-suppositions
    - prolonging life loving? Sometimes is, sometimes isn't
    - promotes autonomy: more loving to allow person to choose when to die than suffer longer
  • SE euthanasia A02

    - strength: promotes individual autonomy
    - weakness: some may not be able to make decisions. Difficult for the doctor to decide if they can allow it or not
    - strength: agapeic calculus
    - weakness: how do you know what the most loving course of action is?
    - strength: personalism
    - weakness: does not consider feelings of family or friends
  • SE capital punishment A01

    - personalism: apply to victims family
    - pacifism: Jesus
    - 'turn to them the other cheek also'
    - sometimes would allow it (if it is considered justice for the victims family)
  • SE capital punishment A02

    - strength: based on Jesus' life. 'An eye for an eye'
    - weakness: 'turn to them the other cheek also'
    - strength: individual autonomy. Judge makes final verdict
    - weakness: too much responsibility on individuals
    - strength: most loving outcome. Give closure, relief and justice to the victims family
    - weakness: subjective
  • SE embryo research A01

    - teleological. Embryo research could cure diseases
    - love for persons. Focuses on person affected rather than embryo
    - ethical aspects of genetic control: need for people to be designed to survive long periods in the deep sea or space. Cloning necessary to avoid genetic diseases or meet a family's survival need
    - four working presuppositions
  • SE embryo research A02

    - strength: based on the situation
    - weakness: affects all of us. Could be dangerous if research got into wrong hands
    - strength: recognises the risks
    - weakness: still allows it. Does not suggest what measures could be put in place if someone used it for personal gain
    - strength: personalism
    - weakness: does not consider the embryo
  • VE abortion A01

    - should take place before fourteen days
    - virtue of serious-mindedness
    - acting virtuously: have we acted callously or not?
    - fruitcake analogy
  • VE abortion A02

    - strength: fruitcake analogy
    - weakness: everyone has different practical reasoning
    - strength: golden mean of serious-mindedness
    - weakness: everyone sees the mean differently and the golden point differently
    - strength: addresses problems
    - weakness: people do not know what is classed as virtuous. No rules
  • VE euthanasia A01

    - if the person can no longer achieve eudaimonia
    - case of George
    - fruitcake analogy
    - virtue of courage
  • VE euthanasia A02

    - strength: fruitcake analogy
    - weakness: too complicated. Difficult to make a decision
    - strength: eudaimonia
    - weakness: ending your life before you've fulfilled your purpose does not allow you to fully develop your virtuous character or achieve complete happiness
    - strength: charity and love
    - weakness: justice overpowers charity and love
  • VE capital punishment A01
    - Socrates execution
    - virtue of justice
    - balancing the situation
    - allows mistakes
  • VE capital punishment A02

    - strength: justice
    - weakness: has to be a common law for capital punishment
    - strength: allows for moral judgement
    - weakness: mistakes cannot happen; it puts peoples lives at risk
    - strength: considers the whole personality / fruitcake analogy
    - weakness: fruitcake analogy is for an individual not everyone. We cannot make decisions based on the individual for capital punishment so fruitcake analogy cannot apply to this
  • VE embryo research A01

    - virtue of compassion: focuses on improving the persons life rather than the embryo
    - end goal of eudaimonia
    - golden mean: compassion. Excess 'bleeding heart'. Deficiency 'callousness'.
    - modern virtue ethicist view (would ruin virtue ethics because designer babies and cloning effects virtues)
  • VE embryo research A02

    - strength: virtue of compassion
    - weakness: shouldn't we care for the embryo too
    - strength: not legalistic
    - weakness: embryo research affects us all; we need rules.
    - strength: eudaimonia
    - weakness: virtues and characteristics would be controlled and tailored so we may not be able to become virtuous