effects of learning on development

Cards (28)

  • what does dweck state

    the set of assumptions we have (mindset) affects success.
    success is due to effort not talent.
  • whats the positive effect of praise

    its a reward.
    it makes people feel good, so bahaviour is repeated.
  • why should you praise effort rather than performance
    praising effort enables control.
    praising performance is demotivating.
  • what is self-efficacy
    understanding your own abilities.
    self-efficacy increases or decreases future success.
  • whats the effect of self-efficacy on motivation

    if high self-efficacy : greater effort, persist longer, greater task performance, and more resilience.
  • what are 3 evaluation points of praise and self-efficacy
    -praise destroys internal motivation
    +research support
    +practical application
  • praise and self-efficacy evalution - praise destroys internal motivation (-)

    praise destroys internal motivation.
    you become less interested if you have been previously rewarded.
    praise can actually have the opposite effect.
  • praise and self-efficacy evaluation - practical application (+)
    practical application.
    students criticised for EFFORT rather than PRAISE performed better on a test.
    there is validity.
  • praise and self-efficacy evaluation - real world application (+)

    real world application.
    research into the stereotype effect shows performance on an IQ test may be lowered if reminded of a relevant stereotype.
    there is validity.
  • what is a learning style
    people differ in how they learn.
    matching teaching to learning style should improve learning.
  • what are the 3 learning styles
    kinaesthetic leaner
  • learning styles - verbaliser
    focuses on words.
    processes by hearing or reading information and talking about it.
  • learning styles - visualiser
    processes information by seeing spatial relationships using diagrams, mindmaps, graphs, etc.
  • learning styles - kinaesthetic learner
    learning by active exploration, making things, physical activities, etc.
  • what are 3 evaluation points for learning styles
    +real world application
    -no supporting evidence
    -too many different styles
  • learning styles evaluation - real world application (+)

    real world application.
    teachers have changed from traditional methods, and adopted a varied approach to learning.
    it benefits the students learning, and there is validity.
  • learning styles evaluation - no supporting evidence (-)

    no supporting evidence.
    no good quality studies that claim learning styles improve performance.
    lack of validity.
  • learning styles evaluation - too many different styles (-)

    too many different styles.
    coffield identified 71 different types.
    difficult to work out preferred learning style.
  • what does willingham state in his learning theory
    educational ideas should be evidence based.
    cognitive psychology and neuroscience can be used to improve learning.
  • what are the 4 points of willingham's learning theory
    memory and forgetting
  • willingham's learning theory - praise

    praising effort should be unexpected.
    praise before a task led to less motivation in the future (lepper).
  • willingham's learning theory - memory and forgetting
    forgetting occurs because of a lack of cues (tulving and psotka).
    practise retrieving information from memory (roediger and karpicke).
  • willingham's learning theory - self-regulation
    self control ('delayed gratification', marshmallow test) linked to high academic performance.
  • willingham's learning theory - neuroscience
    brain waves in dyslexics are different. this could benefit progress by recieving help earlier (willingham and lloyd).
  • what are 3 evaluation points of willingham's learning theory

    +evidence based theory
    +real world application
    -application of neuroscience
  • willingham's learning theory evaluation - evidence based theory (+)

    evidence based theory.
    based on scientific evidence.
    theory has high validity.
  • willingham's learning theory evaluation - real world application (+)

    real world application.
    positive impact on education.
    better impact than learning styles.
  • willingham's learning theory evaluation - application of neuroscience (-)

    application of neuroscience.
    dyslexia cannot be diagnosed by brain waves as its not just linked to one thing.
    lacks some validity.