Mr Birling

Cards (10)

    1. “heavy-looking, rather portentous man”

    He shows off his wealth and this symbolises greed.
    ”Portentous”: he brags to impress others
  • 2) “rather provincial”

    Shows he is narrow minded.
    Priestley wants us to know that Birling is an ideal capitalist man
  • 3) “for lower costs and higher prices”

    Shows his pompous perspective - the engagement is discussed like a business transaction
  • 4) “unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable”

    Makes him look foolish which creates distrust between him and the audience.
    Dramatic Irony is shown
    A metaphor for their family - He is unaware they will sink
  • 5) “wretched girl’s suicide”

    Shows a lack of empathy and responsibility
    Cruel recollection of Eva
  • 6) “I refused, of course” 

    Expectation that everyone agrees with capitalism
  • 7) “I’d give thousands - yes, thousands-“

    An empty offer
    Tries to buy his way out of trouble and is desperate
  • 8) “There’ll be a public scandal”

    Reputation matters more than morals to him
  • 9) “(raises his glass)”

    Celebrates the escape of responsibility
    Return to celebration at the start showing no lesson learnt
  • 10) “the famous younger generation who know it all”

    Mocks them and hasn’t changed