Pre action protocols

Cards (6)

  • Pre-action protocols help in resolving disputes by setting out the steps and procedures that parties should follow before commencing legal proceedings, encouraging early communication and negotiation to reach a settlement.
  • What do pre-action protocols ensure?
    Pre-action protocols ensure that both parties have information regarding the dispute
  • What is a pre-action protocol?
    A list of things that need to be done. It is usually presented as a letter which gives brief details about the claim, such as details about the injury and why the claimant feels that the defendant is at fault.
  • How long does the defendant have to investigate the claim?
    3 months
  • What does the defendent do after three months of investigating the claim?
    The defendant may file a response or answer to the claim. Should they deny liability then the defendant has to provide evidence.
  • What happens if expert evidence is needed?
    Both parties should try negotiate one expert, this should lead to many claims being settled before reaching court.