
Cards (8)

  • When is the subjunctive tense used?

    Uncertainty/doubt , wishes, recommendations, and hypothetical situations.
  • How is the sunjunctive formed?

    I form of the verb without o + opposite endings (AR uses ER endings + vice-versa)
  • Write out the subjuctive endings for ER verbs
    -e -emos
    -es -éis
    -e -en
  • What are the conjugations of ser in the subjuctive?

    sea seamos
    seas seáis
    sea sean
  • What are the conjugations of hacer in the subjuctive?

    haga hagamos
    hagas hagáis
    haga hagan
  • What are the conjugations of ir in the subjuctive?

    vaya vayamos
    vayas vayáis
    vaya vayan
  • What are the conjugations of tener in the subjunctive?

    tenga tengamos
    tengas tengáis
    tenga tengan
  • Is the subjuctive used after creo/creer?

    No- creer is not doubt