
Cards (19)

  • Who influenced Talcott Parsons' ideas?
  • What important role does education perform according to Parsons?
    Establishing shared norms and values
  • How does Parsons view the education system in terms of meritocracy?
    It helps society to be meritocratic
  • What does meritocracy describe?
    A society where jobs and pay are based on talent and achievements
  • According to the concept of meritocracy, who gets rewarded in society?
    Individuals who work hard
  • What is the difference between ascribed status and achieved status?
    Ascribed status is based on birth, while achieved status is based on effort and ability
  • What role does education play in role allocation according to Parsons?
    It sifts and sorts people into their appropriate jobs
  • What does Parsons believe about natural ability in the context of education?
    It is an element of role allocation but should not be influenced by family background
  • What value does the education system teach according to Parsons?
    The value of making an effort
  • How does effort relate to social roles in Parsons' view?
    Effort ensures people perform the social roles to which they are best suited
  • What do the intelligent and hardworking individuals achieve in the education system?
    Higher qualifications that access suitable jobs
  • What do Marxists criticize about Parsons' view of education?
    They argue that the appearance of meritocracy is an ideology
  • What do Marxists call the belief that the rich and powerful achieve their positions through hard work?
    The myth of meritocracy
  • How do Marxists view the role of the education system in society?
    As a key role in reproducing class inequalities
  • What do Marxists argue about class inequalities and education?
    They argue that class inequalities are reproduced in the next generation
  • What is false class consciousness according to Marxists?
    Believing that inequality is fair due to the myth of meritocracy
  • Who conducted a study on the relationship between IQ and academic success?
    Bowles and Gintis
  • What did Bowles and Gintis find about IQ and academic success?
    IQ played a relatively small part in academic success
  • What factors did Bowles and Gintis find that greatly affected academic success?
    Social class, ethnicity, and gender