Louis Althusser

Cards (13)

  • What did Louis Althusser argue about the education system?
    It is part of the ideological state apparatus.
  • How does Althusser describe the role of the bourgeoisie in maintaining power?
    By using both repressive and ideological state apparatuses.
  • What is the difference between repressive state apparatus and ideological state apparatus according to Althusser?
    Repressive state apparatus uses coercive power, while ideological state apparatus spreads ideology.
  • What does Althusser believe schools prepare working-class pupils for?
    To accept a life of exploitation.
  • How does Durkheim's view of education differ from Althusser's?
    Durkheim sees education as teaching societal norms, while Althusser sees it as serving ruling class interests.
  • What is the ideological role of education according to Althusser?
    • Teaches norms and values that serve ruling class interests
    • Maintains a capitalist consensus
    • Prevents necessary social change
  • What is meant by the 'hidden curriculum' in education?
    It refers to aspects of school life that teach values and norms outside the formal curriculum.
  • How did Michael Gove's argument about British history reflect Althusser's views?
    It emphasized a heroic narrative that supports bourgeois ideology.
  • What aspects of British history did Gove's argument exclude?
    Negative aspects like colonialism and the slave trade.
  • What does Althusser suggest about the UK education system's focus on history?
    It promotes a conservative ideology that discourages radical social change.
  • What values does education teach outside the formal curriculum according to Althusser?
    Hierarchy, respect for authority, and obeying rules.
  • How do functionalists and Marxists differ in their views on the values taught by education?
    Functionalists see them as essential for society, while Marxists see them as maintaining class power.
  • How do sociological perspectives differ in observing education?
    • Functionalists view education as a means to maintain social order.
    • Marxists see it as a tool for perpetuating class inequality.
    • Both analyze the same phenomena but from different viewpoints.