Energy transfer

Cards (6)

  • Biomass - mass of living material
    • energy transfers = biomass transfers
    • food chain - simple lines of energy transfer
    • food web - lots of food chains and how they overlap
    • only 10% of energy is transferred to the next trophic level
  • Simple food chain - with terms
    producer -> primary consumer -> secondary consumer -> tertiary consumer
  • Energy transfer as biomass
    • 60% of energy is not taken in
    • 40% of energy available is called the gross productivity
    • 75% of gross productivity is lost
    • 25% of gross productivity becomes biomass - called the net productivity
    • this 25% equates to 10% of total energy that is available to the next trophic level
  • Why is 60% of energy available not taken in?

    • plants can't use all the light energy that reaches them - wavelengths
    • light hits areas that can't photosynthesise
    • some parts aren't eaten - they are passed to decomposers
    • some parts are indigestible - passes as waste to decomposers
  • What happens with the 40% of energy available that is taken in?

    • 75% of gross productivity is lost to the environment
    • respiratory loss
    • respiration for movement or body heat
  • What happens with the 40% of energy available that is taken in?

    • 25% of gross productivity becomes biomass
    • aka. net productivity
    • this is the energy available for the next trophic level