Nitrogen cycle

Cards (7)

  • Bacteria examples
    A) rhizobium
    B) azotobacter
    C) nitrosomonas
    D) nitrobacter
  • Using nitrogen
    • making proteins and nucleic acids
    • 78% of the atmosphere is nitrogen
    • atmospheric nitrogen is useless - must be converted to a usable form through bacteria
  • Key words
    • nitrogen fixation
    • ammonification
    • nitrification
    • denitrification
  • Rhizobium
    • have a mutualistic/symbiotic relationship with plants
    • bacteria provides the plant with nitrogenous compounds
    • plant provides the bacteria with carbohydrates
  • Animal waste - urine and faeces
    contain nitrogen compounds which are also turned into ammonia by decomposers
  • denitrification
    under anaerobic conditions
  • Usable nitrogen
    • lightning can fix nitrogen
    • artificial fertilisers provide usable nitrogen to and ecosystem