Social Learning Theory

Subdecks (2)

Cards (29)

  • What is the main concept of Social Learning Theory?
    Imitation and modeling
  • What does imitation in Social Learning Theory refer to?
    Copying the behavior of others
  • What is identification in the context of Social Learning Theory?
    When an observer associates themselves with a role model and wants to be like them
  • What characteristics make someone a role model in Social Learning Theory?
    • Same sex
    • Similar age or older
    • Higher status or authority
    • Friendly and likable
  • What is vicarious reinforcement?
    Reinforcement that occurs through observing someone else being reinforced or punished
  • What is the difference between direct and indirect learning?
    Direct learning happens to oneself, while indirect learning happens to others
  • What are mediational cognitive processes in Social Learning Theory?
    Cognitive factors that influence learning between stimulus and response
  • What are the key mediational cognitive processes that influence learning?
    • Attention to observed behavior
    • Memory of what was observed
    • Ability to reproduce behaviors
    • Motivation to produce the observed behavior
  • Modelling
    Demonstration of a specific behaviour that may be imitated by an observer