Variables are anything that can be measured and observed. We use them to measure the effect on one another
A correlationalstudy is how strongly two variables are associated or linked (describe the relationship between two variables)
In an experiment the researcher is looking for a difference between two variables
In a correlation the researcher is looking for a relationship between the two variables
An independent variable is the variable that is manipulated/controlled by the experimenter
A dependent variable is the outcome which is measured
CO-variables are used in correlation studies and our used to measure the link between the variables, neither one are controlled
Extraneous variables are any variables that MIGHT (could have but haven't yet) have an effect on the dv eg. ability to concentrate and must be controlled incase they become confounding
Confounding variables are uncontrolled extraneous variables that HAVEhad an effect on the results
Situational variables are variables in research (eg unexpected noise) that can affect the dependent variable. A way to fix this is standardised procedures
Standardised procedures are when all participants experience all the same environmentandmaterials.
Pilot studies are used as a smaller version of the actual study to test for problems
Participant variables are individualsqualities like their IQ or poor memory. Randomisation is used to have a variety of differences to balance the study
Order effects is when the ordertasks take place effect the outcome
a way to stop order effects is counterbalancing when tasks are completed in opposites (once in the morning then at night) AB BA
Demand characteristics are cues that participants notice that might indicate the purpose of the research. Low levels of deception are used to avoid this
Researchereffects are when the researcher her has preconceived ideas on the outcome and struggle to remain objective during the study and influence the results either intentionally or unintentionally
To stop researcher effects standardised instructions are used
Operationalization means turning abstract conceptual ideas into measurable observations