Cards (10)

  • what is accommodation?
    the process of changing the shape of the lens to focus on near or distant objects
  • to focus on distant objects
    1. the ciliary muscles relax
    2. the suspensory ligaments are pulled tight
    3. the lens is pulled thin and only slightly refracts light rays
  • to focus on near objects
    1. the ciliary muscles contract
    2. suspensory muscles slacken.
    3. the lens is thicker and refracts strongly.
  • what is hyperopia?
    long sighted
  • what is myopia?
    short sighted
  • how can you correct myopia?
    concave lens
  • how can you correct hyperpia?
    convex lens
  • why does myopia occur?
    the image focuses in front of the retina because the lens is too strong or eye ball is too long
  • why does hyperopia occur?
    image focuses Behind the retina because he lens is too weak or eyball too short
  • If the pupil is bigger it has dilated as in dim light the pupil dilate as the radial muscles contract and the circular muscle in the iris relax