Kidneys: Location and Structure

Cards (25)

  • Where do the kidneys located?
    Retroperitoneal Position
  • The right kidney is slightly lower than the left.
  • Renal Hilum - the kidney's medial indentation
  • What are the three protective layers of the kidney?
    Fibrous Capsule, Perirenal Fat Capsule, Renal Fascia
  • Fibrous Capsule - a transparent layer that encloses each kidney and gives it a glistening appearance
  • Perirenal Fat Capsule - a fatty mass that surrounds each kidney and cushions it against blows
  • Renal Fascia - the most superficial layer made of dense fibrous connective tissue
  • Renal Fascia - layer of the kidney that anchors it and adrenal gland to surrounding structures
  • What are the three distinct regions of the kidney internally?
    Renal Cortex, Renal Medulla, Renal Pelvis
  • Renal Cortex - the outer region, which is light in color
  • Renal Medulla - found deep to the cortex is a darker reddish brown area
  • Renal Pyramids - the medulla has triangular regions with a striped appearance
  • Base - the broad part of each pyramid faces toward the cortex
  • Apex - the tip of each pyramid points toward the inner region of the kidney
  • Renal Columns - separates the pyramids by extensions of cortex like tissue
  • Renal Pelvis - located lateral to the hilum is flat, funnel-shaped tube
  • Calyces - are the extensions of the pelvis, form cup-shaped "drains" that enclose the tips of the pyramids
  • Calyces - collect urine, which continuously drains from the tips of the pyramids
  • Renal Artery - the artery supplying each kidney with blood
  • Segmental Arteries - as the renal artery approaches the hilum, it divides into this type of arteries
  • Interlobar Arteries - are several branches from segmental arteries, which travel through the renal columns to reach the cortex
  • Arcuate Arteries - are originated from the interlobar arteries, located at the cortex-medulla junction, which arch over the medullary pyramids
  • Cortical Radiate Arteries - branch off from the arcuate arteries to supply the renal cortex
  • What is the pathway of the venous blood draining from the kidney?
    Cortical Radiate Veins, Arcuate Veins, Interlobar Veins, Renal Vein
  • Renal Vein - emerges from the kidney hilum and empties into the inferior vena cava