life first appeared on earth 3.8 billion years ago
earths mass is great enough for the effect of gravity to hold gasses close to earth
the earths distance from the sun is what gave the earth a molten core
carbon dioxide, dinitrogen gas, methane, ammonia and water vapour are gases released by volcanoes
N2 is essential for protien synthesis
CO2 is essential for photosynthesis
greenhouse gases help regulate global temps
carbon fixed in plants is essential for organic molecule synthesis. (carbohydrase, protiens and fats)
earth gets enough uv to provide a warm climate and enables water to be found in liquid form
water is a solvent (allows biochemical reactions)
water is a fluid (moves and transports nutrients around the planet and into organisms)
water has a high heat capacity (heats and cools slowly to maintain stable temps)
water expands when it freezes (most dence at 4dc meaning ice floats. this stops convection currents in the sea releasing heat) ice also protects organisms under the sea from the surface
earths magnosphere (created by the molten iron core and convection currents) deflects solar winds. the winds cause molecular damadge (dna mutations) and strip atmospheres
insolation is a measure of solar energy concentrated on a specific area over time
solar insolation is needed for photosynthesis
conditions for life:
liquid water
temp range
atmospheric gases
5 characteristics of planet earth;
mass of earth
axis of rotation
speed of rotation
distance from sun
the speed of rotation means that earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation. this gives a day and night. which means that insolation is evenly distributed
the distance from the sun puts earth in the habitable zone (goldilocks). it keeps temps between 0-100 degrees, this allows liquid water to be found
is a solvent
transports nutrients around organisms and the planet
high specific heatcapacity
expands when frozen
the orbit and rotation of earth creates the seasonal and daily variations in insolation and temp