
Cards (19)

  • Label this energy profile diagram
    A - energy
    B - progress of reaction
    C - reactants
    D - products
    E- activation energy
    F - negative energy change
  • Label this energy profile
    A - energy
    B - progress of reaction
    C - reactants
    D - products
    E - activation energy
    F - positive energy change
  • What type of reaction is this energy profile diagram showing
  • What type of reaction is this energy profile diagram showing
  • what is another way of writing energy change
  • describe and explain why a reaction is exothermic in terms of bonds
    In an exothermic reaction, less energy is taken in to break bonds and more energy is released when new bonds are made
  • describe and explain why a reaction is endothermic in terms of bonds
    In an endothermic reaction, more energy is taken in to break bonds and less energy is released when new bonds are made
  • If the energy change in a reaction is positive what type of reaction is it
  • If the energy change in a reaction is negative what type of reaction is it
  • what is an exothermic reaction
    when energy is released into the surroundings
  • what is an endothermic reaction
    when energy is taken in from the surroundings
  • what is the calculation for energy change
    (delta) H = (sigma)bonds broken - (sigma) bonds made
  • what are 3 examples of everyday uses of endothermic reactions
    • ice melting into water
    • evaporation of water
    • baking bread
  • what are 3 examples of everyday uses of exothermic reactions
    • combustion (burning)
    • hand warmers
    • burning a candle
  • Label the experiment to show how energy transfer can be measured 

    A = insulated cup
    B = lid with a hole
    C = thermometer
    D = dilute hydrochloric acid
    E = magnesium powder
  • how to calculate energy transfered and energy per gram
    1 energy transfered = mass of H2O * 4.2 * temperature change
    2 energy per gram = energy transfered / mass of the fuel used
  • what are the 2 energetics
    endothermic and exothermic
  • Describe the experiment to see if a reaction is endothermic or exothermic (to do with temperature)

    1 add hydrochloric acid to an insulated cup with a hole in its lid (for a thermometre) and record the start temperature
    2 add the other reactant and record the final temperature when the reaction has visibly stopped
    3 calculate the temperature difference by subtracting the start temperature from the final temperature
  • what is bond energy
    the amount of energy that must be transferred to break a mole of a particular covalent bond