Cards (14)

  • What tool is used to cut potato cylinders in the osmosis practical?
    Cork borer
  • Why is it important to cut the potato cylinders to the same length?
    To ensure consistent surface area for osmosis
  • What is the required length for each potato cylinder in the osmosis practical?
    3 cm
  • What should be done after cutting the potato cylinders?
    Record mass and measurements for each one
  • How much of the 1M sugar solution is poured into the test tube?
    10 cm<sup>3</sup>
  • What should be done with the test tubes containing sugar solutions?
    Label each test tube
  • What is the concentration of the second sugar solution used in the practical?
  • What type of water is used in the final test tube?
    Distilled water
  • What is the purpose of placing one potato cylinder in each test tube?
    To observe the effects of different sugar concentrations on osmosis
  • How long should the potato cylinders be left in the solutions?
    24 minutes
  • What should be done after removing the potato cylinders from the solutions?
    Carefully dry them on a paper towel
  • Why is it important to remember which potato cylinder is placed in which solution?
    To accurately record the mass and measurements for each condition
  • What should be done after drying the potato cylinders?
    Record the mass and measurements again
  • What are the steps involved in the osmosis potato practical?
    1. Cut three potato cylinders with a cork borer.
    2. Remove potato skin and measure to 3 cm.
    3. Record initial mass and measurements.
    4. Prepare three test tubes with:
    • 10 cm<sup>3</sup> of 1M sugar solution
    • 10 cm<sup>3</sup> of 0.5M sugar solution
    • 10 cm<sup>3</sup> of distilled water
    1. Place one potato cylinder in each tube.
    2. Leave for 24 minutes.
    3. Remove and dry on a paper towel.
    4. Record final mass and measurements.