Aims and Hypothesis

Cards (10)

  • Aim- a clearly general statement about what the investigation intends to research
  • Operationalisation- when variable are carefully stated, demonstrating exactly how they are to be measured
  • Hypotheses- preside testable statement including levels of the independent variable and dependant variable (exact)
  • Null Hypothesis- states there is no change/difference in the measurement of the dependant variable as the result of manipulation in the independent variable
  • Alternative Hypotheses- States there is a change in measurement of the dependant variable as a result of the manipulation in the independent veriable
  • Non-Directional Hypotheses- There is a difference in the dependant variable but not the direction the result will go in
  • Directional Hypotheses- States the direction the result will go when the dependant variable changes
  • Hypotheses Testing- date is collected and statistical testing is conducted on the data
  • Falsifiability- any theory must be open to the possibility of new research will emerge and contradict it
  • Falsifiability 2- the more a theory withstands new attempts to falsify the more reliable it becomes